Introduction Good day to all!

alex quit

Got Gud
Nov 19, 2014
Hi there,

My name is Alex, bet you never would have guessed that... I live in Michigan, currently 20yrs old.
My gamertag is alex quit.

Halo CE was the first console game I ever played. My friend and his older brothers played it all the time, and once they introduced it to me, I was hooked. Thanks to them I've been a fan of the series for as long as it's been around. I remember the days of Xbox connect, playing Halo 2 with my buddy. I finally got my hands my own copy of Halo - Halo 3, when the 360 was released. Then, about all I ever did was forge... and forge... and then forge some more. I couldn't tell you how much time I've spent in forge...

So, needless to say, I really like to forge. I also forged in Reach, and in 4, and now in MCC... I've made all sorts of maps, infection, competitive, and mini-game maps. Unfortunately most of those maps never really saw the light of day. They never got played... it was just too hard for me find a lobby willing to test maps. There was a small bit of time when I partook in some "Tuesday Night Tests" with The Halo Forge Epidemic but I think I only managed to test like 2 maps.

Now here I am on Halo Customs hoping to find some lobbies to test my maps in! Currently I have an infection map and competitive map ready for testing in MCC H2A. If you're interested in testing not only my maps but any you might have as well, then send me a message!


Aside from Halo, I play League of Legends, Hearth Stone, CS GO, and some other PC games.
I'm also really into Anime. I became obsessed with it about a year or two ago... I've seen a lot of anime since then, and spent too much money on figures... but it was definitely worth it.
If you're curious here's my anime list
I also have a tumblr
Currently I'm studying graphic design in college and I will be studying illustration soon.
Dec 2, 2014
i'm always down to try out new maps or join customs send me a friend request and i'll join up.
Mostly on during the weekends and Monday's but not to much during the weekdays due to work.