Going INACTIVE for a while...


Jan 20, 2013
To whom it may concern,

The inevitable is now imminent, my studies have caught up with me. In a particular course, I am getting a 66% average and worse scores on my tests. This is unusual for me, but the course itself is a semester Calculus course and is very difficult. Among the other work-loads of my other college courses, it has become imperative that I abstain from Halo, social Internet, video games, and all forms of recreation until my grade can be maintained.

Both groups that I am affiliated with, POSL and Review Crew, are aware of this situation. Neither are looking to replace me, although Review Crew is still looking for another Competitive reviewer to replace Cap3llo. POSL is also looking for a Race host for those who are interested.

I will not be able to host, participate in new community activities, post maps or threads, play Halo itself, and so on. Nonetheless, I have made an obligation to check my messages every Friday. You can message me or post on my profile if you want to contact me. For those who I have given my Skype account to, you are likewise welcome to contact me through that on Friday.

If you see my on Xbox Live, that's my brother playing.

Finally, I would like to mention that the course only lasts until late December/January. After that time, I am scheduled to take a less rigorous course schedule, which should allow me to return to the community. Please don't blow yourselves up while I'm gone. I want a Halo Customs to return to.

God bless,​
- Roger​


Forklifts never die, they just go missing in action.