Competitive Gamut


Jan 9, 2013
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Gamut (version 1.2) - small symetrical map on Forge Island

The map is small and intended to be used as a 2v2 map. However it does work well as a 3v3. It is symmetrical map placed on Forge Island. Here is a video showcasing game play.

It works really well when you use the game type Ultra Slayer. It will work with default game types as well.

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Jan 1, 2013
It's very well done for a first map. I think it is your first one right? If you can make a map like this as a first map, then I'd say your off to a good start.
Gamut does have some common flaws like the presence of paper-thin cover in some places. As you forge more maps you will learn the difference between structural cover and paper-thin cover/lazy cover. Larger structures and larger cover pieces allow players to move around while battling and getting the right amount of cover during encounters with other players. Lazy cover on the other hand, only promotes stale gameplay because the cover is only usable if you are right beside it crouching or not moving. This kind of cover is mostly used in Call of Duty/Gears of Wars and doesn't work for Halo. The map also lacked a lot of dynamic height variation, and although you have two seperate levels, they are both pretty flat and don't connect together very well. Slight inclines and more sublevels to the map will help a lot more with cover, line of sight and get rid of that flat feel. Another to consider is piece consistency. I see a bunch of different looking objects everywhere and it creates visual noise. Let's look at my map Scythe in matchmaking. It has a very strong consistency in pieces. When you create a door, you should try really hard to use that same door everytime you make a door. The rocks on Scythe are a good example too. They are consistent in every room and you know their purpose just by glancing at them.

Overall though, I thought Gamut had a nice layout, nice lighting and a good weapon setup.

I hope you keep making maps Crazed. I love seeing new forgers improve through feedback.


Jan 9, 2013
La Crosse, Wisconsin
It's very well done for a first map. I think it is your first one right? If you can make a map like this as a first map, then I'd say your off to a good start.
Gamut does have some common flaws like the presence of paper-thin cover in some places. As you forge more maps you will learn the difference between structural cover and paper-thin cover/lazy cover. Larger structures and larger cover pieces allow players to move around while battling and getting the right amount of cover during encounters with other players. Lazy cover on the other hand, only promotes stale gameplay because the cover is only usable if you are right beside it crouching or not moving. This kind of cover is mostly used in Call of Duty/Gears of Wars and doesn't work for Halo. The map also lacked a lot of dynamic height variation, and although you have two seperate levels, they are both pretty flat and don't connect together very well. Slight inclines and more sublevels to the map will help a lot more with cover, line of sight and get rid of that flat feel. Another to consider is piece consistency. I see a bunch of different looking objects everywhere and it creates visual noise. Let's look at my map Scythe in matchmaking. It has a very strong consistency in pieces. When you create a door, you should try really hard to use that same door everytime you make a door. The rocks on Scythe are a good example too. They are consistent in every room and you know their purpose just by glancing at them.

Overall though, I thought Gamut had a nice layout, nice lighting and a good weapon setup.

I hope you keep making maps Crazed. I love seeing new forgers improve through feedback.

I appreciate the feedback from you guys in particular. I have been watching THFE for a long time now and love it when I do get invites to help test maps. Sadly, I work nights so I can't participate in a lot of them. As for piece consistency I did try to go for that but I made the mistake of watching my budget on pallets. This is something I am going to look out for in the future.

The flat feel, is something I would 100% agree on, I noticed it myself when I actually got a group together to play on it. I am working on another map already and will take what you said here to heart. I will submit that one too when it is ready.

One more thing, thanks for watching my videos. I do hope you enjoy them. I love the feedback on those too, when you get time. Feel free to send me a friends request if you like: CrazedSpartanii