Introduction From HT With Love


Jun 16, 2014
San Diego, CA
Hello, HC! My name's Jeff, and I run the show over at HaloTracks. With that, I also freelance in some fields of le art. I have a deep passion for photography and VFX, and I love finding new ways to challenge myself. Recently, one of those challenges has been web design. It's not my forte just yet but I'm getting better with each new site that I design. I can't code to save my life, though. My focus is strictly the visual aspect.

I live in the beautiful city of San Diego, but I've been around. My father was in the Navy for 21 years and we were lucky enough to land in my hometown before he retired. At 21 years of my own life, I've experienced my fair share of life changing experiences. When I was 19, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It's a battle that I'm still fighting. One that's humbled me and changed my perspective on everything. Leukemia bested my mother when I was two years old, so it's a pretty big deal in my family that I'm winning. Despite that, I was, for lack of a better description, not the best human being before my diagnosis. Having this second chance has given me the opportunity to try and become a better man than I once was.

I'm spearheading the development of a new update for HaloTracks that should drop some jaws in the Halo community. Rest assured, I'm not here to plug HT... despite the fact that I basically just did. I've heard a lot of great things about this community and my joining is something that's long overdue. I'm excited to be a participant in Halo Customs!

With that, a shoutout to AlexJ189 for bringing me here and unintentionally convincing me to finally join. Another to Cassel, who constantly tells me that this site is way better than HaloTracks :)

I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with you all! Take care.


Jan 10, 2013
Hey, welcome to HaloCustoms :). I've been to HT before, and I liked it. Above in your life experience, I'm sorry to here that you have acute lymphoblastic leukemia, but still keep fighting. I'll assure that HC will encourage you! And for AlexJ189, he's a good guy :)