Frag's Unofficial 4/20 Avatar Contest


Jan 22, 2013
Colorado, USA

That's right boys and girls, everyone's favorite unofficial holiday is Saturday. You know, the OTHER holiday dedicated to celebrating things that are green. To help everyone get into that holiday spirit I'm holding a contest for the best 4/20 avatar. To enter all you have to do is post in this thread, and I'll pick the winner on Sunday 4/21. If I remember. . . that is. As a prize I have a code for a set of green Avatar Armor that is TOTALLY not left over from St Patrick's day. So get posting!

Also, I'm like, really hungry. Is anyone else really hungry? You guys wanna go get some tacos or something?

*edit* I should mention, you should probably have a marijuana themed avatar. Not doing so won't result in disqualification, because I don't want to harsh anyone's buzz. That would be some seriously bad karma man. Seriously though, I'm still kind of hungry. I never got tacos, but I did make myself this super dank massive bacon egg and cheese breakfast burrito. I had these potato rounds, like what you get with your breakfast at Hardees. And I put some of them in it too. And some onions, and tomatos. And I sauteed a little garlic in the pan before I scrambled the eggs. So the eggs were super garlicy and awesome. It was good. *edit*