Forge Cafe Map Review Service


Feb 2, 2013
A Box
Forge Cafe Map Review Service


I am X51000 for those who haven't come across me before, and i review maps for Forge Cafe. I am the leader of a small team consisting of me, harry_c0, and axe11154. Originally, we divided the subforums in the Forge Cafe Map Library and were going to go through and review all of the maps on the site. However, we now have a review service where we will review maps as Forge Cafe members forge them, have already forged, or just specific maps members want reviewed.

The only requirements for this is to be a member on Forge Cafe.

Once you are a member, you have two options for this service. The first is to send a Personal Message (on Forge Cafe) with your map details as shown below to one of our reviewers on the "Librarian" team.

X51 said:
Review Request Form:
GT: Your GT
Maps: (maps you want reviewed + links) or (All Maps)
Privacy: Public or private
Preferred Reviewer: (your preferred reviewer) or (none)
Additional Info:

The second way, is to sign up for the service by listing the same information in the "Subscription Thread" located at the bottom of the [FC] Map Library forum here:
Subscribe to the "Librarian Review Service"

If you have your maps on the site, you can decide if you want your reviews posted directly onto your map post. If you want your reviews private they will be pm'd to you, but you must at least have your maps on your fileshare.


Each reviewer has his own style. If you prefer one or the other please let me know. If not then leave it blank or just say so.

Here are the templates of each reviewer for your decision:

~Major Issues~

any major flaws or any improvements that need to be made

~Minor Issues~

any small errors (human made) that could be fixed but aren't necessary


just.... tips


what did i like?


Major Issues:

Minor Issues:

(Written Section) Covers whats good about the map, whats bad (major and minor issues) and how to fix them. Personal opinion on how the map could be improved (weapons, spawning etc.).

Major Issues:

Minor Issues:

Suggestions/Things to work on:

What I like about the map:


If you would like more information. You can always message me on this site or on Forge Cafe.
:coffee: Cheers!

Forge Cafe Article: Librarian Review Service
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