Forerunner Conflict


Feb 5, 2014
Greetings HaloCustoms!

My name's MosDeaf. Might've seen me around, might've not. That's not entirely important right now. The rest of this post is important right now.

I'm here in this particular point of time to propose a jolly co-operation between this community (HaloCustoms, for those who are lost in time), and a community called Forerunner Conflict! (Look at those rad colors).

Before I introduce Forerunner Conflict, I'd like to briefly discuss the state of MCC and the customs community. It's no surprise that Halo customs communities haven't been doing so well lately. MCC is slowly recovering, true, but seems to shy away from fixing Customs and Forging bugs. But enough of the sad stuff. The reason I'm suggesting this jolly co-operation is to ensure the customs community stays alive until Halo 5. What's the best way to do that? Have the communities communicate to each other, and share members. We'll all be one massive Mjölnir-clad network of families. So I'd like to ask you to read this post and consider joining me in the quest of ensuring the survival of Halo customs communities until Halo 5 releases and beyond.


(Seriously, so rad)
If you want to skip the following awesome introduction, just click here to visit their website. Feel free to look about, read up on their history, and whatever else you fancy.
Let's get down to the brass tacks, ladies and gentlemen. Forerunner Conflict (FC) is a unique Halo community that utilizes the customs game to create a flavor of authentic war simulation. In other words, we're making our own large-scale battles in the Halo universe. We are not a clan, but we have had clans join us in battles as their own squads or such.

There are two armies: R.E.D.D. and B.L.U.E. (These names are acronyms, I'll explain more below). These two armies duke it out every Sunday evening. "Battle Nights" start at 6:00pm Eastern Time Zone, where both sides fight to gain control of a "war map." (Almost all the maps in MCC are used in these Wars.) The War itself is composed of several "war maps," (linked image shows what I mean) and each army needs to fight, conquer, and eventually capture the enemy's capital.

Much like actual armies, Forerunner Conflict has a rank structure that is used for immersion and organizing the Battle Nights; each army has several squads with Commanding Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, etc. The battles for each War Map are a best-of series, with as many squads participating as possible, and shuffled around to give a chance at fighting unique opponents each match.

Forerunner Conflict recently started hosting weekly customs on Saturday nights to take a break from the war effort. By ourselves, we don't exactly have a huge list of customs/maps. We've taken some from this website, but we're very open and always eager to see what else is new. Here's where I think Forerunner Conflict and HaloCustoms can help each other. If you guys are interested in our war-sim battles, we'll have epic battles between large armies across countless maps. In return, we have players that are willing to help playtest your recent creations, or just goof off in minigames!

So that's the gist of Forerunner Conflict. Below are a few more paragraphs that you might find interesting, such as the community's history and lore, other information you might find handy, and how to enlist.

Our community was formally established in June of 2006 (yes, all the way back in the days of Halo 2), which means we've been around for roughly NINE YEARS. Throughout Halo 2, our precursor community names have gone through various changes, the most notable ones being Red vs. Blue Wars, Allies vs. Axis, and Galactic Wars; each having faltered due to a weak foundation of rules and systems. However, in June of 2006 we officially established Red vs. Blue Retaliation, with the intent of setting a strong foundation of rules and systems which would create a solid structure for years to come (which has allowed us to last thing long and this strong). We would officially change the name to Forerunner Conflict by the start of Halo 3 for uniqueness-sake. Through the years we've gone through many positive changes to make our wars more authentic and fun.
Well first off, you should visit our fantastic website and forum boards, register, and enlist for whichever army you would like (PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR ACTUAL GAMERTAG), and please put who you were referred by. Our forums are

But, you can't immediately jump into battle once you enlist! Even in the actual world, all enlisted must go through a BOOT CAMP. This has been a trademark of our community since the day it was created. All members must go through a boot camp, in which they will be told the rules, regulations, and will be shown several military-like tactics that can come in handy in the actual battles or even matchmaking! We also use boot camps to weed out anyone who isn't interested or not taking us seriously. To partake a boot camp, please enlist on the forums and you will be contacted by a drill instructor.

We focus on a mature audience of 15 years or older. Anyone under this age can still join, but will be interviewed to ensure they're mature and respectful.

Our Most Important Rule: RESPECT!
Though our community is a war simulator and we take our roles seriously, our number one focus is about RESPECT and making sure everyone is having fun. Because in the end, that's why people play video games, to have FUN! If you join, don't hate someone because they are in a different army; our job is to make sure everyone is friendly and having a fun time, while at the same time being competitive! We encourage people to create many friendships in Forerunner Conflict, regardless of what army they may be in!

If you are already in a clan, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR CLAN TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY. Again, we are a community, not a clan. You can bring in your clan as a group into these Wars and we will give you a set squad/company depending on how many people you have.

FC tries to add depth to the war simulation by using some fanfic-esque lore that builds off of the Halo lore. Instead of it being totally random armies fighting for no reason, each side has backstory, motive, and goals. R.E.D.D. is the Royal Enforcers Deployment Division, an elite Spartan force within the Empire centered on Earth that faces off against the Brotherhood Legion of United Exiles (B.L.U.E.), the military arm of a rebel coalition of the Outer Colonies.

If you'd like to read more, click here to check out the official lore records.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and looking forward to your jolly co-operation!

Yours truly,