Halo #FixMccCustoms

Fraw Lawk

Jan 10, 2013
I would love an in-game custom games browser, but that would involve "work" on 343's part and it would cannabalize players from the matchmaking population so I think it is highly unlikely to happen. In my opinion this would've been much more useful when we were restricted to 100 friends on the 360, but now that we can have 1000-1100ish friends it's not as big of a deal. It's much easier now for hosts to get a substantial following and fill a lobby. I've had times where I've had over 80 friends playing playing MCC at once. You might have to grind some friend-finder threads to build up your Halo friends, but with some work and good content you should be able to fill up a lobby. Actually playing MCC customs once you have the players is another story...

It would indeed butcher matchmaking. But if I were in charge in decision making for 343i I would go ahead and do it. Why? Because of the low population, by the time ranks come out it will be all in vain. With Halo 5 right around the corner, pretty much about everyone will transition to Halo 5's core matchmaking (consistent rank). But everyone else that's into custom games are going to be playing around in MCC. I believe MCC is made for CUSTOM GAMES, and Campaign of course. So I think it would work that way.