Introduction First Actual Time on Halo Customs

Jun 22, 2013
Chicago, IL
Hello all! So, if you couldn't already tell by the title, this is my first actual time on this site. I've been here once before (when THFE announced it on their channel), but only for a few minutes. As for my introduction, you might be interested to know that my real name is not Bubba, but Nick. Some more stuff about me is that I'm 16 and I've lived in Chicago, Illinois my whole life. I've never really gone on vacation... not really at all, but I'm okay with that.

Most of my life is gaming related: consisting of me playing a variety of games (e.g., Halo, Guitar Hero/Rockband, and BattleBlock Theater) and being involved with other gaming communities. I'm a proud member of and strongly suggest checking it out if you're into gaming news and other cool content. I wouldn't say that I really have a favorite color, rather I have a couple favorite color combinations. One of most favorite color combos would probably be silver and purple. I usually prefer colors between black and white, as I feel those colors compliment each other quite well.

Since I suppose we may be heading into some darker things, I'll go ahead and tell you about the loss of my best friend, Jack Gavin. As a great, fun spirit, he always kept me in a good mood, even when he got on my nerves those few times. Nearly three years older than me, he acted as another brother to me. We would always play Halo 3 or Call of Duty together with so many wonderful times. The thing that probably bonded us together the most was our Grifball team back in Winter League '08, Spring League '09, and Winter League '09. Our team was named "The War Hammers" (originally) and with the force of [notably] 6 teammates, we made it to the Semi-Finals. We came out tying with our opponent as we beat them the first game but had to rematch them in a second game (due to disputed game) to lose. After that, our team began to play other games and give up on the whole Grifball thing, so I gave in and followed with them. We all gradually became less experienced with Grifball - especially when the newer Halo's were coming out. Suddenly, on the Twenty-fourth of March, 2011, the Hybrid and debatably best player on our team died from a car crash. He was the passenger as the car slid on black ice into a tree about a block away from his house. It hurts me so much to see my best friend die at that young of an age (16). It's nearly impossible to live a full day not thinking about him and sometimes tough thinking about all the memories I held with him. Honestly, I'll often get emotionally when I play Halo 3 because of this - no matter how nerdy that sounds.

I know I may have gotten some of you a bit depressed, so I'm sorry for that. Aside from some of the detailed information (or if you basically didn't want to read all that), I'm just a guy that loves Halo, Grifball, but not nearly as much, arcade games, plastic guitar (i.e., Guitar Hero and Rockband), Mongooses, and a handful of other stuff I don't want to keep bothering you with. Well, that's about everything you'd want to know about me. Hope I enjoy what this site has to offer and get to know a bit about you guys! :)
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