Introduction Finally this kinda website came.. NOT THAT WAY!


Jan 12, 2013
So. I'm Santeri from Finland (Perkele)
Homeland of Nokia, Angry birds, sauna and many other great things.

I'm 17 years old, I love rock and heavy music, I play some guitar (I suck but it's something) my favourite colour is orange and I've been playing Halo's since I was 6.

I remember watching my uncle play CE and then he asked if I wanted to try.
Well.. you can guess if I liked it. HELL YEAH!! I played Halo, Silent cartograph and Assault on the control room again and again and again. (Later I started liking two betrayals and the maw)

Then halo 2 came. I was 9-10 and I was so excited when I could dual wield weapons. Still played with my uncle. Mostly the New Mombasa levels, Delta halo and last two arbiter missions.

Then I bought his xbox and introduced halo to few my friends. And we just played and played and played.

As you know 2007 Halo 3 came out. Of course I bought it. And completed it in few days. (I was twelve. I had other things to do) But week after that I lost the bag when I was carrying it to my dad's place. Lost my halo 3, favourite stuffed animal (which was a monkey) and couple of underpants.
Had to buy a new one.
Not underpants. Halo 3 ofcourse

Every day lots of customs. Made some friends that are nowadays my best friends. Truly miss those days..
I never got a lots of chances to play customs in reach and H4 (Until now thanks to this website)

And as I started to understand english. I started to like halo even more. Because before I didn't understand half that the characters said. It was great to realise how good and wonderful and interesting the story was.

Nothing to say about halo wars except that I didn't even know about it until I saw it at the local gamestop altough halo has always been my favourite game. I was like "cool.. a new halo game. Must buy it"

The days when ODST, Anniversary and Reach came out. I skipped school and went to the gamestop waiting for it to open. There was this guy with a master chief armor and it was so cool. I let him go to the cash first because I wanted to check his armor more. Then I went to the supermarket (with halo reach legendary edition with me) to buy lots of soda. Then I went home and played them straight from beginning to the end. (except the times my mom was yelling me because of skipping school)

When halo 4 came. It was the second time I had ever bought from a game from internet.
I had to wait 3 days after the release to get it. Never buying a game I really really want to play online again!

So yeah.. That's about it. Not much about me as a person but yeah.
I doubt no one is ever going to read this to the end but it was nice writing this. Lot's of memories came in my mind. Still miss my monkey..

People who made this site. Thank you. Really. I've been bored in reach and H4 because I didn't have maps or people to play customs with but that's going change.

I really hope..


I know this will be a great site for all the halo fans around the world.

Thank you once again

See you in custom games.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
This is absolutely by far the best intro thread I have ever read! Welcome, and thank you for your kind words. As a fellow fan who had to wait three days after release to play Halo 4, I completely understand what you were going through ;) Welcome!


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
This is a FANTASTIC intro. I think you get the award for best intro yet (though Tedium's comes close).

Great to have ya, you're the first I know of from Finland! I had like 12,000 custom games in Halo 3, it was literally my life. I'm excited to try to bring back that same customs feeling that brings us Halo lovers together to just play and have fun! Stick around, I'm glad you're here :cool:
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Jan 12, 2013
This is a FANTASTIC intro. I think you get the award for best intro yet (though Tedium's comes close).

Great to have ya, you're the first I know of from Finland! I had like 12,000 custom games in Halo 3, it was literally my life. I'm excited to try to bring back that same customs feeling that brings us Halo lovers together to just play and have fun! Stick around, I'm glad you're here :cool:

I'm honored that a community manager uses his time to send me a message.


Jan 12, 2013
That's the job description! ;)

Now that I've gotten your attention. I think people have already been asking this a lot but it would be great if you could just put the time where you live in like here it's little over 20 minutes since midnight and it would automatically translate it to the person who is reading it to his time. you know what I mean?


Dec 23, 2012
New York, New York
Now that I've gotten your attention. I think people have already been asking this a lot but it would be great if you could just put the time where you live in like here it's little over 20 minutes since midnight and it would automatically translate it to the person who is reading it to his time. you know what I mean?
We're working on making that automatic! So for example, instead of saying 5PM GMT-5, if you're in GMT+2, it will just say 12PM! It should be done in the next few days ;)


Jan 12, 2013
We're working on making that automatic! So for example, instead of saying 5PM GMT-5, if you're in GMT+2, it will just say 12PM! It should be done in the next few days ;)

Cool. You're making a huge favor to all your fans. Remember that some countrys dont use AM PM system. In finland it's 0:32 now


Jan 12, 2013
What the hell is an administrator?? I accidently put my year of birth 2008 when it's really 1995 and it says I have to contact administrator to change it


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Oh, do they really use the 24-hour clock in Finland? I had no idea! Maybe if we make it optional it won't also confuse the North Americans. I know that the UK uses both (mostly 24-hour) but for most Americans that might be confusing.