Introduction Evening everybody

Hi everybody, my name is Mark, but i'm known as Katanga on various forums and Xbox Live. I'm a student, and I have a huge passion for forging.

In Reach I ended up finding my niche in forging puzzle maps based around Rocket Race called Vehiculation, but now that Halo 4 is missing the gametypes, I'm moving back towards traditional competitive map designing, and as such I'm always open to discussion and critique.

Anyway, let's follow Insane54's suggestions ;)

-What you like to play?
I'm a big Sonic the Hedgehog fan, so a lot of Sonic. Halo, of course. Minecraft, Tekken, whatever takes my fancy.

-What you do in the time you're not playing games?
I'm a full time student, so my hobbies usually include drinking, eating pizza and panicking about deadlines. I enjoy making sprites and playing around with photoshop and 3dsMax too.

-What is your favorite color?!?
Red, Blue & Green. Because everything after 1st gen sucks ;)

-Whatever else comes to mind!
Nothing. I'm not a smart.

Anyway, I look forward to being a part of this community. I already recognise people from over on Forgehub, so i've no doubt it will be very welcoming.
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