Introduction echo "Hello World"

Hi there!

My name's Mark, although people may or not may not know me as Katanga (or Maarrgghk on PSN, couldn't get a consistent gamer profile). I was around a lot on Forgehub until October of 2013 and, while I have had a Halocustoms account for quite some time, for one reason or another I have never used it.

Recently i've been playing on PS4, but I managed to find a cracking Xbox One deal so I'm coming back to the MCC and what I love most about Halo - Forge.

I primarily forged whatever took my fancy. A lot of my stuff was fairly standard, but I did get some attention for my "Vehiculation" maps on Forgehub, a set of puzzle maps that used Reach's Rocket Race. They were pretty basic in their implementation of the gametype, but they were received pretty positively.
(I've actually seen Buddhacrane implement something similar in a H2A puzzle, which I'm super excited to play. He was very helpful with critique on one of my puzzles, and had expressed he had been working on a similar concept, so I'm thrilled to see him ocme out with one :D)

Aside from Halo, I play an obscene amount of Destiny on my PS4, despite all the critisism I've been a huge fan since day 1. Outside of gaming I'm currently doing a masters degree in App Development, which is really rewarding since you can see your results on a mobile device almost instantly.

My degree is a lot of work so I can't guarantee a great level of activity on here, but I'm very eager to get back into the forging community and start honing my skills again. With that said please don't hesitate to drop me a message on Xbox Live from Tuesday (once my Xbone is set up) if you want to test a map, or just want to play.