Competitive "Easement"

"Easement" (version Final) - Inverted symmetric arena, inspired from Halo 3's "Citadel".


Competitive symmetric arena inspired from Halo 3's dlc map "Citadel".

Citadel is conservation easement, at a protected archive installation, dedicated by the Librarian, for superior selected conifers. The installation served, as an archive, and nursery for revegetation of ozone producing plant alliances. The site is reengineered by the UNSC, and seen as an attribute to restore...

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Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
Not played yet but I see from the video you have made a very clean and classic styled map. It looks like a really solid design. I will give you some feedback as soon as I can test it.
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Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
Well I really don't have any real problems with this map. I had the chance to play it and for me it was a really balanced and enjoyable map. The weapon set was excellent for the map, the spawning was good and general flow of the map just worked for me. I like how you were inspired by Citadel yet you were able to create a map that felt quite different from it. Feedback often includes suggestions for improvement but I didn't fell like there was a need for much change to the map when playing it. Again I want to put an emphasis on balance as I felt every area of the map had a purpose and put me on equal grounds with enemy players wherever they were. It did have a nice classic Halo arena feel which I always enjoy.
The only negative comment I can make is the fact that I had slight frame rate issues in the middle and I wasn't so sure about the middle platform with the rail gun a little closer to one side than the other. I feel that a few alternative designs to the middle could be considered but the current version is not a problem. Overall it was just a really great map and I cant fault it in any major way.
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Well I really don't have any real problems with this map. I had the chance to play it and for me it was a really balanced and enjoyable map. The weapon set was excellent for the map, the spawning was good and general flow of the map just worked for me. I like how you were inspired by Citadel yet you were able to create a map that felt quite different from it. Feedback often includes suggestions for improvement but I didn't fell like there was a need for much change to the map when playing it. Again I want to put an emphasis on balance as I felt every area of the map had a purpose and put me on equal grounds with enemy players wherever they were. It did have a nice classic Halo arena feel which I always enjoy.
The only negative comment I can make is the fact that I had slight frame rate issues in the middle and I wasn't so sure about the middle platform with the rail gun a little closer to one side than the other. I feel that a few alternative designs to the middle could be considered but the current version is not a problem. Overall it was just a really great map and I cant fault it in any major way.

Thank you so much for all this input! I agree with the Railgun spawn. Might just eliminate the middle tree, and center it. I have tried to wrap my brain around other design solutions, and am just plain stumped, but to dis the tree.

I havent experienced framerate in the middle, so this is brand new news to me, that I really appreciate to hear. I have tried this map on every canvas, and framerate was the HUGEST issue for all of them, except, Forge Island. The one fault I have been searching for is framerate so I really appreciate you mentioning this. In my experience where snipe spawn is and that staircase back by it, had bad framerate, only in Forge though. I even in play test stuck KOTH hills in the frame rate spots to see if it would happen. Seems to be the builds curse, lol. WHO knows maybe if I harvest the middle tree, and center the Rail gun, all will be well,LOL.

Again thank you very much for your time in feed back, I am pumped to hear of its ups and downs. Thank friend!:)