Death and Destruction - A story

Death and Destruction

Buildings crash around you. Fires burning in the windows of the fallen buildings. Cracked and sheared off support beams litter the streets. Fire hydrants torn off the ground allowing water to rocket into the orange sky. Dead bodies of humans and aliens alike are scattered like the debris. The sun setting counts down until nightfall. Out of the rubble of one of the buildings a figure grasps the window sill and pulls himself out; falling ten feet, he crashes to the hard cracked and destroyed concrete sidewalk. He grunts and struggles to his feet, leaning on a bent and twisted light pole that had been impaled into building next to him. Blood is still escaping his body as he trudges forward into the streets where cars are blown up, mangled and cut in half. As he reaches the street he falls to the ground, screaming in pain as he is splashes in a five foot deep hole of gasoline. He pulls himself out and keeps walking. Little does he know that the gasoline made its way into his wounded abdomen, as well as the creatures watching him as they lurk in the shadows.
The man collapses on the ground from the exhaustion of walking and bleeding out as well as the gasoline inside of him burning his blood vessels to shreds. His vision blurs and before he passes out he sees three alien figures approach him and talk in hushed alien conversation. They reach an agreement and drag the man across the torn asphalt as he passes out. When he wakes he is blinded by a light so bright it forces him to shut his eyes and grunt. The aliens walk over to him, they switch from their alien language to English.
"This is your new language is it not, my friend?"
The man replies, "Yes it is, what do you *coughs* want from me," he asks in a raspy voice.
"We want you to find your lands leader and tell him to call of this war. We only want peace. Yes, we destroyed some of your cities but your government gave us no choice. Do this and we will reward you with eternal life," The alien smiles and then says, "What do you say Vegeta? We just want to go to our homes. We never wanted to invade your 'new' home. What do you say old friend? For old times sake."
Vegeta, with his eyes still closed from the blinding light replies, "Sure, Frieza." Vegeta sits up, opens his eyes, goes Super Sayain, pulverizing his bed and the light. Then he blasts Freiza out of his ship.

"That ignorant fool, I'm Vegeta, Prince of all Sayains. I will not succumb to your petty needs."

Great Mist

Great Mist

Jan 18, 2013
Where the Mist takes me
I can honestly say that the ending was kinda stupid. It was great until it hit the part with DBZ. Oh and you switched perspectives quickly from FP to TP and the FP was quite useless. This isn't the best you could do for sure. Try again with a better plot and idea. Plus don't feed off other franchises I understand a little bit but this feels like you are mixing earth and the world of DBZ
I can honestly say that the ending was kinda stupid. It was great until it hit the part with DBZ. Oh and you switched perspectives quickly from FP to TP and the FP was quite useless. This isn't the best you could do for sure. Try again with a better plot and idea. Plus don't feed off other franchises I understand a little bit but this feels like you are mixing earth and the world of DBZ
The DBZ i thought was a nice plot twist but i realize the story got choppy with Vegeta some how ending up in space... So yeah, not one of my brighter ideas but it was an interesting experience from me to learn learn from.