
Feb 2, 2013
If you clicked on this thread, then, you’re probably a competitive player. If you’re a competitive player, then you’re probably tired of playing with randoms. If you’re tired of playing with randoms, it’s probably because, like me, you’ve realized that this game we call halo is so much better when you’re playing it with other people that communicate. I have found time and time again that if you have teammates you know, understand the game well enough to communicate effectively, and love doing it, the amount of fun goes through the roof.

You’re probably wondering what I’m on about. Here’s what I’m proposing.

I’ve been scouring these forums for a competitive team that fulfills my expectations, and I haven’t seen one so far. So, the logical next step was to start a team of my own. I don’t mean a clan; I don’t want anything that serious. I’m talking about a small (10-20) group of players who all enjoy the competitive experience and play like a team. I’m talking about a group of players who love to explore the competitive side of the game, and are open to new ways of kicking -blam!- out there. I’m talking about a group of players who understand that for the team to do well, they need to play like a teammate, not an individual.

So yeah, if that sounds like you, please, for the sake of players such as you and me, hit me up on XBL (GT is same as username) and let me know whether you’re interested or not.

Just a few requirements:
-MUST have a mic (if you read this far, this one should be obvious :D)
-I'm not going to put an age requirement on this because I understand that younger gamers can be just as mature as older gamers (in some cases, more so!). However, middle teens to early twenties would be preferred.
-We all should be about the same skill level. Due to the inaccuracy (I feel) of the current skill statistics given to us by 343i, I would like to play a game or two with you before you officially become one of our teammates. I don’t want to call it a trial because then it sounds like a clan thing, but I guess that’s kind of what it is.
-Clean language is preferred, but not required. I find that excessive swearing only bogs down the communication going on.
-You must be on fairly often, say at least four days out of the week. The reason I put the team’s size down as a max of 20 is so that we will nearly always have enough teammates on to play with a full team.

Once this team takes off, we could have weekly competitive customs (and some silliness, silliness is always necessary, even in a competitive setting :D), team tournaments, and matches against other teams. Or we could not, it would be up to the team as a whole. The whole idea here is to create a group that creates as much enjoyment for its members as possible.

I hope the setup I’ve described here is agreeable to you all, and those of you that are interested, let me know as soon as possible.

For those of you that care about my stats, here ya go: ChrisSonic01
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