Halo Community Forge Playlist/Mini Game Playlist Idea!?

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Jan 9, 2013
Community Forge Playlist\Mini Game Playlist idea!!
Hey Guys its T-FLO! So I was really excited when I had heard about, Community Forge Playlist, I remember being like OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOODDDDD LOOOKK FINNALLY SOME FORGE CONTENT!! <------ Your probably like what is this guys problemo_O, well I don't know about you but, I just love forge content I'm all about it! I love forgeing and make my own maps I love seeing what others do on theirs too!

So I was wondering do you guys like the ,Forge Playlist, idea or not? Would you like them to also allow fun player submitted mini game playlist too? Maybe even new game type playlist?! I'm just wondering what you guys would think of it if they were to do it!

Maps Right now on the Playlist!

Map: Shutout

Description: Some believe this remote facility was once used to study the Flood. But few clues remain amidst the snow and ice.

Author: Big PapaSaLoT


Description: A derelict facility...

Author: SecretShnitzel

Map: Garrotte

Description: Better play it straight.

Author: MythicFritz

Map: Relay

Description: As is, in-game.

Author: FyreWulff

Map: Scythe

Description: A community made forge map by PA1NTS.

Author: PA1NTS

Map: Simplex

Description: A community made, arena style map by Big Papa SaLoT.
Author: Big Papa SaLoT

Sorry for any poor grammar and I understand if you disagree with me on any of this or do not like it! I don't post on forums often but I would like to get into it!
T-FLO OUT :titmar:


Dec 31, 2012
The concept is good. The maps put in there could have been chosen better.

Now for my standard complaints about the forge playlist that everyone's probably tired of already:

Shutout is Lockout. Probably went through more testing than Complex, why does it need to occupy a space in the Test Playlist?
Relay is default. See above question.

There are definitely other maps that are more deserving than Shutout and Relay of those two spots.. I'm looking at Memento, Lotus, Laguna, and Sagittarius.


Jan 16, 2013
I think there are too many good maps to keep them confined to one playlist, add in a few forge maps to other playlists, to an extent like in Reach. But as much as I LOVE minigames, they're better suited for customs where everyone knows everyone and most people are talking and having a good time. Minigames in MM tend to result in trolls breaking the maps or simply not cooperating, and there are pretty much no mics.
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