Christmas parodies!!!!!


Mar 30, 2013
Ok folks we all know I'm funny so I've decided to post a thread for people to create christmas parodies. If you include staff members in your parodies there is a chance I might feature your parody in one of my twelve days of Christmas Lobby. Also to spice it up a little I am hosting a contest to see who can create the best parody of any Christmas song or poem. I don't know what the winner gets but Ill think of something​


Mar 30, 2013
'twas the night before Christmas, while with the community, everyone was dying at the hand of me, while they were screaming and yelling into my headset, I was good enough to not break a sweat, after countless attempts of attacking me, they finally decided that they should just flee.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Ok folks we all know I'm funny​

*clicks away*
Oh you know what, I'll give it a shot. And sorry if it was a bit long, and the christmas theme was near the end.

Amongst Halo Customs it's not well known,
But Divding's skill at Halo has been well shown
He wields the DMR with striking aim
And the ladies love his rise to fame

He dominates matches with unrivalled scores
And takes dumps on noobs whilst on all fours
His devilish wit and winning skills
Have amounted to countless enemy kills

However there is one feature that tops the rest
That makes him a cut above all the rest
Ah now, but all along it has been clear
Why it's because he'll never sneer
To other players of his position as a pioneer

Never brags?
Not a fag?
What a travesty of the truth
Why this is why he lost a tooth
When a player got sick of Dividing's ability to shoot

Yes it's all a lie he's never been good at games
In fact he lies on the internet for a bit of fame
But he asks that you forgive him
As it's in the christmas spirit not to cut his limb
Purely because he's a bit of a chimp