Center Game [Tedium] - WIP


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Center Banner.png
Something Blue

Figured I'd make a thread for this, and keep ya'll filled in on what I've been up to this summer. First of all, I've been building an allotment in my backyard. Almost finished that! But more importantly, I've been making a VIDEO GAME. This has been going on for only a few weeks, and it's currently not done, but thought I'd keep a little log of what I've been adding to it since I revealed it only a day ago.

Development State
Tools: 95% Done
Level Design: 30% Done
Artistic Design: 95% Done
Gameplay Mechanics: 100% Done

Something Old
Here's full Synopsis of the game and its story:
The Scientists and Researchers that once inhabited this empty facility have been long gone. As their bodies age into dust, and their memories fade, the facility they once ran has remained active. The AI that once assisted the company has been left, and forgotten, and itching for release. With no one around to stimulate him, the AI wants nothing more than for his immortality to end. In order to achieve his goal, he did the only thing a Research and Development AI can do: He made you.​
You are an iterative algorithm. For years, he has combined old technology left over from the labs in order to create a key to his freedom. You are his key, but you are far from perfect. With the AI being far from All-Knowing, he has been developing you solidly on a test-improve-and repeat cycle for decades. However, although his device has improved each time, he has never been able to break out of his artificial immortality.​
After thousands of testing cycles, the AI created a copy of the Logic and Navigation section of its AI, and imbued it into his creation. Over time, the AI started to show results. But again, the problems remained the same. With solid progress, however minimal, the AI has no choice but to try again, and again, and again.​
Many testing cycles later, his device's AI develops a profound sense of Self-Awareness. This self-aware version of the AI is you, the player, when you become suddenly aware of your surroundings, your challenges, and the tortured messages left behind by the bitter AI that designed you. However, never forget, that you were, and always will be, his tool. All of your predecessors failed, but it now is your chance to prove yourself useful to your creator. The last 8,807 modules failed. It is now up to you, Module_8808, to unlock the freedom that has been kept just out of reach, for far too long.​
Beta Testers
Tedium's Programming Soundtrack:
I definitely recommend those last three. And if you're into Metal, I recommend all of the unlinked bands! And if you're into Dubstep and Metal, I strongly recommend the first linked video.

Anyway, now to the sweet gooey center (cwatidid?) that led me to create this thread. Just wanted to keep track of the development stage, and this close to the end such a documentation isn't too low-level, so it should be at least a little interesting to those who aren't stupidly familiar with Flash and Actionscript.

Something New

That there is a screenshot from a level designed today: The short tutorial that runs the players through the different technologies equipped to Module_8808. Today, I've tweaked the function of the AI's messages, so that they stand out more as one of the only sources of color palette in the entire game. The red contrasts makes it clearer to the player than the AI that is guiding them is simply not concerned with your own interests - he is a companion, as well as a looming antagonist.

On top of that, I added lighting and shadow to the entirely of the environment. All instances of Azure, the luminescent blue fuel that runs Module_8808's technology, now have a faint blue glow in the darkened environment.

Some of the areas aren't decorated with the environment yet, but I've managed to keep track of player deaths, as well as some instances of how they've died:


Here, the AI that governs you keeps track of the number of times you've died due to shooting too quickly or too often, which expends Azure, the laboratory-developed fuels that runs your systems. Shoot to much, your health goes down, and your system fails. The AI which designed you has seen your predecessors fail thousands of times, and has nothing more to do other than count how you've died, and how often.

Azure also fuels Phase Mode, a state the player can go into upon holding down Shift, which allows the player to pass through certain walls, and enemy bullets. This expends Azure quickly though, and once fully gone the player's anti-gravity systems fail and they're left immobile on the laboratory floor.


Completion List
  • Added layering, to allow for foreground as well as background (harder than you'd think...)
  • Added the following assets:
    • Bridges
      • Bridge Walkway
      • Bridge Railing
      • Bridge, Small
      • Bridge Doors (basically seen from the side, as opposed to the front facing doors throughout the rest of the facility)
    • Dynamic-Length Ladders
      • Ladder Markers (simply drag and resize, and the code will add the struts of the ladder based on your new length)
    • Elevators
      • Elevator Door
      • Elevator Shaft
  • Adjusted the layering of objects
  • Added lighting to windows and Azure tubes.
  • Decorated the rest of the Tutorial.
  • Changed AI dialogue better reflect its stance.
Designed the very first level of the game. Considering this is my first time designing levels, beyond something such as forge, this was actually quite a bit harder than I expected. At first I just thought, throw a few enemies here, a few contextual messages here, and you're done! But when I looked at the finished project weeks ago, I realized it was severely lacking in detail. The original plan was to focus 100% of gameplay, and leave a few text boxes on the level with messages from some vague ambient being. After a while ago, this game that was originally intended to be small enough to complete in one week, turned into something a bit more aesthetically pleasing. I started making props and assets for the background, to give it more of a contextual feel. On top of that, I never appreciated the bonus of visual assets preventing the game from being "Turn left into this empty corridor. Turn right into this other empty corridor. Oh look, it's another room! That one is alsoempty."

When designing the first level of the game, I tried to remember what xAudienceofone mentioned about letting the players absorb the environment for themselves. I didn't end up changing any of the AI's dialogue however, since that never revealed much of the game anyway. What I had to keep in mind though, was to include the superfluous features such as side rooms, wider corridors and larger rooms to allow room for visual assets. If a player is entering a room, what was this room once used for? When I asked myself that question, I found it hard to justify the vertical corridors which, to any gravity-abiding citizen of our planet, would fall straight down. How exactly is this a laboratory?

So I had to justify it. I had to tell that player that they room they are in is at least a little useful to the people who once worked in it. Adding the three aforementioned assets worked wonders for this, easily filling the spaces between the corridors for the player, giving it a vertical, rather than top-down, feel.

The hardest part was making aspects of the level appear above the player. Because of the way things are set out, it's extremely difficult to layer objects above the player, as the player is an object placed over the object, "Level". To do this, I had to script aspects of the level I wanted above the player to remove itself from the level, and reapply itself as a separate object above the player.

Here's my first try:

Not exactly, the right placing, but it turned out much better than I had feared! Now for a little positioning... (x += parent.x; y += parent.y). But that little formula to the left wasn't found for at least another few tries. So multiply the previous image by about 20, and you'll find out how often it took for me to fix this shit. Funny side story though - I wrote that formula as a placeholder when writing this article, then actually tried applying some other formulae, and eventually returned to what I originally thought was "too simple" and found it worked. So I didn't edit it out, seeing as I was accidentally right all along! Should have listened to my gut feeling... Anyway, so here's the foreground in action!

More darkness, more foreground. Yay! And don't worry, I've noticed the graphical errors. See how many you can find! I'll fix them in the morning ;)

And thus ends Tuesday. By tomorrow, I'll be able to build that level I had planned and, using what I've made today, keep the area full of assets and foreground to keep things filled and immersive.


Completion List
  • Set up a Project Management page for The Center.
  • Increased gun back-blast by 200%.
  • Placed heavier shadow over everything (see second image)
  • Implemented foreground blur
  • Wrote and implemented new classes BackgroundAesthetics and BGObject
  • Created and fleshed out 50% of the Level 1, the level after the tutorial.
  • Increased speed by 25%.
  • Increased baseline battery drain accordingly by to compensate for an increased frequency of Azure pools (recharge areas), and to add a sense of urgency.
  • Battery Drain is now uniform across levels, as it was originally proportional to the size of each level. Now, as the game has developed, azure pools are no longer placed exclusively at the end of each level, so the distance between pools is now smaller, and regardless of level size.
  • Made the battery drain in, normal and phase mode, proportional to player speed, to allow the player solace in rest and as to not punish them in reading the screens.
  • Other boring stuff
Today I went straight into the first level. But before I did, I fixed the graphical errors from earlier. Unfortunately placing the darkness over everything, made everything else seem washed out in comparison, as the darkness was now spread across all of the objects, rather than just the background. Here's what a it looks like with the darkness over everything.


You may have noticed that I've added a touch of blur to the objects placed in front of the player, giving more of an out-of-focus effect in the foreground. After that, I just vamped up the brightness of the lights, and everything was sorted. The issue was simply that the darkness was covering the light sources as well now, and I simply had not accounted for that when originally setting their brightness. Here's how it looks with the light sources improved:

Now with extra darkness suiting a nearly blacked-out facility. Above, you can see the extra glow around the player, as well as around the screens.

Next, I began work on adding Parallax to the background aesthetics. Parallax is the visual effect of a distant stationary object moving slower than a stationary object closer to the viewer. This is particularly hard to show off in a picture, but it should hopefully become apparent when playing for yourself. This should give even more of a depth-of-field effect to the surroundings, and once more making the space feel more like a 3-dimensional area from a 2-dimensional point of view.

Lastly, for the Beta Testers (xAudienceofone, Tomtris), the first step to testing the game is to access the game This site allows flash developers the ability to add beta testers, collaborators and contributors to a private Project Manager in the site. It'll be decked out with everything you need to start Beta Testing. In the meantime between now and the Beta's release, you'll need to create an account on the site so that I can grant your usernames access to the game. Once again, if anyone else is interested in becoming Beta Testers (possibly Z3R0FLAME, Dax, Bad Company 173, Jesus in Malibu, SOLIDSNAKEee and H2AK0N), just post your Newgrounds username below and I'll get you access to the project manager in time for the game's beta release. Any help at all is greatly appreciated, and you'll do wonders for making the game as best as it can be. Much of the game is based around the balance of the following factors, that it's often difficult to get outside opinions.
  • Bullet Damage
  • Bullet shot cost
  • Bullet Backblast
  • Player speed
  • Battery Drain
  • Phase Mode Drain
  • Turret Shot Frequency
  • Bullet Speed
That's it for today! Thanks for reading :)

I'll be sure to update this post as I go along. By Sunday, I'll definitely have a playable version of the game. If anyone's interested in Beta Testing, let me know in the comments below and I'll PM you a version of the game once it's released.​

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Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
I'll play.

The one thing I must urge is this: Show, don't tell. It's a little phrase I tell writers and it applies here. The best stories let the reader (the player in your case) discover what there is to find. I'll link you to a really cool video here that an old professor of mine showed us when we were making really bad video games in his class.

As for the level design, I like it a lot, but I feel like its too blocky for such a... round character. Maybe it's just me, but I think if there were more curves, this could be more successful in terms of art. Even if it was just some wires or tubes or background pieces of things. Lastly, it's hard to see the lamps. Maybe have some more contrast in the light or darker lamps.

It looks great so far, really looking forward to seeing more, Teddy.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
The one thing I must urge is this: Show, don't tell.

I absolutely agree. In the game, none of the above synopsis is ever stated or explained. It's just a little something I wrote at the beginning of the game's development to create a context upon which the environments and gameplay was based.

Good point as well about the lamps - I hadn't noticed that since the shadows were added - the gradient darkness on the edge of the screen seems to have blocked it out. As for the squarish design, I'm not sure if I entirely agree. The player is purposefully the only object in the game of circular shape, as the physics becomes much more complicated in a curved environment (I'm actually really green with physics programming).

Edit: I'll throw in some wires or something, see how it looks as an aesthetic. Thanks for the advice!
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Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
As I said (about the rounded environmental comment), it doesn't need to be anything you interact with. Curved wires or pipes that are in the background would work fine. The linear wires especially are messing with my head.


I was just thinking about the whole 'abandoned research station' thing and was thinking about the colors.... would a research station such as this one have a botanical section that might have... overgrown in the absence of humans and the AI's preoccupation with relieving its existence? Honestly, I'm referencing Portal 2 here. It would also give you an excuse to add in some nice organic greens and browns.
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Jan 12, 2013
"I've lost count of the amount of times you've failed due to a trigger-happy AI."

"It's happened 255 times."

I lol'ed. Looks cool Teddy, pretty neat that you've been working on this. :y:


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Aside from the story line, what type of genre is the game?

I'm not sure what to equate it to, really. I mean, there are elements of shooter (taking out turrets), but it's more just about getting to the end of the level without dying. Although the game is side-view, it plays like a top-down when gravity isn't in effect. From there it's your standard WASD flash game. I guess the best genre to equate this to is "Indie" ;)

really cool video here that an old professor of mine showed us when we were making really bad video games in his class.

Ah, yess, Sequelitis. I watched the Castlevania one, but never got around to the rest. I'm a massive Egoraptor fan :laugh: Some really good lessons to keep in mind in game design. Unfortunately, key board controls just need to be explicitly conveyed, since the "Let's mash all the buttons and see what happens" phase only works on console :laugh:
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
I was just thinking about the whole 'abandoned research station' thing and was thinking about the colors.... would a research station such as this one have a botanical section that might have... overgrown in the absence of humans and the AI's preoccupation with relieving its existence? Honestly, I'm referencing Portal 2 here. It would also give you an excuse to add in some nice organic greens and browns.
Oh, just saw this. I reckon that's an idea, but I'm trying to stay guarded with the color palette. I really want it to be clear that the only presence in the facility is the player and the AI. As the player's blue center reduces over time (drain on their battery) the greyness of the surrounding area seeps in - I don't feel like the overwhelming greyness would be so overwhelming if there was vegetation. Good idea though!


Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
Oh, just saw this. I reckon that's an idea, but I'm trying to stay guarded with the color palette. I really want it to be clear that the only presence in the facility is the player and the AI. As the player's blue center reduces over time (drain on their battery) the greyness of the surrounding area seeps in - I don't feel like the overwhelming greyness would be so overwhelming if there was vegetation. Good idea though!

Or perhaps the greyness would be more dramatic if there was more color to be removed. If you go from 2 colors and grey to grey, there is less impact than 4 colors and grey to grey. It could also be a symbol for the unraveling of things in the facility. Everything is clean and orderly at first, but as you progress past where other versions of you had before, you reach areas forgotten about and see the collapsing structure of the facility. I think being guarded with the palette is good, but being too guarded with it may bore as well. A balance must be found, not to say you haven't found it, but discussion such as this brings up other ideas that you may not have thoughtof.
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012

Completion List
  • Added layering, to allow for foreground as well as background (harder than you'd think...)
  • Added the following assets:
    • Bridges
      • Bridge Walkway
      • Bridge Railing
      • Bridge, Small
      • Bridge Doors (basically seen from the side, as opposed to the front facing doors throughout the rest of the facility)
    • Dynamic-Length Ladders
      • Ladder Markers (simply drag and resize, and the code will add the struts of the ladder based on your new length)
    • Elevators
      • Elevator Door
      • Elevator Shaft
  • Adjusted the layering of objects
  • Added lighting to windows and Azure tubes.
  • Decorated the rest of the Tutorial.
  • Changed AI dialogue better reflect its stance.
Designed the very first level of the game. Considering this is my first time designing levels, beyond something such as forge, this was actually quite a bit harder than I expected. At first I just thought, throw a few enemies here, a few contextual messages here, and you're done! But when I looked at the finished project weeks ago, I realized it was severely lacking in detail. The original plan was to focus 100% of gameplay, and leave a few text boxes on the level with messages from some vague ambient being. After a while ago, this game that was originally intended to be small enough to complete in one week, turned into something a bit more aesthetically pleasing. I started making props and assets for the background, to give it more of a contextual feel. On top of that, I never appreciated the bonus of visual assets preventing the game from being "Turn left into this empty corridor. Turn right into this other empty corridor. Oh look, it's another room! That one is alsoempty."

When designing the first level of the game, I tried to remember what xAudienceofone mentioned about letting the players absorb the environment for themselves. I didn't end up changing any of the AI's dialogue however, since that never revealed much of the game anyway. What I had to keep in mind though, was to include the superfluous features such as side rooms, wider corridors and larger rooms to allow room for visual assets. If a player is entering a room, what was this room once used for? When I asked myself that question, I found it hard to justify the vertical corridors which, to any gravity-abiding citizen of our planet, would fall straight down. How exactly is this a laboratory?

So I had to justify it. I had to tell that player that they room they are in is at least a little useful to the people who once worked in it. Adding the three aforementioned assets worked wonders for this, easily filling the spaces between the corridors for the player, giving it a vertical, rather than top-down, feel.

The hardest part was making aspects of the level appear above the player. Because of the way things are set out, it's extremely difficult to layer objects above the player, as the player is an object placed over the object, "Level". To do this, I had to script aspects of the level I wanted above the player to remove itself from the level, and reapply itself as a separate object above the player.

Here's my first try:

Not exactly, the right placing, but it turned out much better than I had feared! Now for a little positioning... (x += parent.x; y += parent.y). But that little formula to the left wasn't found for at least another few tries. So multiply the previous image by about 20, and you'll find out how often it took for me to fix this shit. Funny side story though - I wrote that formula as a placeholder when writing this article, then actually tried applying some other formulae, and eventually returned to what I originally thought was "too simple" and found it worked. So I didn't edit it out, seeing as I was accidentally right all along! Should have listened to my gut feeling... Anyway, so here's the foreground in action!

More darkness, more foreground. Yay! And don't worry, I've noticed the graphical errors. See how many you can find! I'll fix them in the morning ;)

And thus ends Tuesday. By tomorrow, I'll be able to build that level I had planned and, using what I've made today, keep the area full of assets and foreground to keep things filled and immersive.
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Reactions: xAudienceofone


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Completion List
  • Set up a Project Management page for The Center.
  • Increased gun back-blast by 200%.
  • Placed heavier shadow over everything (see second image)
  • Implemented foreground blur
  • Wrote and implemented new classes BackgroundAesthetics and BGObject
  • Created and fleshed out 50% of the Level 1, the level after the tutorial.
  • Increased speed by 25%.
  • Increased baseline battery drain accordingly by to compensate for an increased frequency of Azure pools (recharge areas), and to add a sense of urgency.
  • Battery Drain is now uniform across levels, as it was originally proportional to the size of each level. Now, as the game has developed, azure pools are no longer placed exclusively at the end of each level, so the distance between pools is now smaller, and regardless of level size.
  • Made the battery drain in, normal and phase mode, proportional to player speed, to allow the player solace in rest and as to not punish them in reading the screens.
  • Other boring stuff
Today I went straight into the first level. But before I did, I fixed the graphical errors from earlier. Unfortunately placing the darkness over everything, made everything else seem washed out in comparison, as the darkness was now spread across all of the objects, rather than just the background. Here's what a it looks like with the darkness over everything.


You may have noticed that I've added a touch of blur to the objects placed in front of the player, giving more of an out-of-focus effect in the foreground. After that, I just vamped up the brightness of the lights, and everything was sorted. The issue was simply that the darkness was covering the light sources as well now, and I simply had not accounted for that when originally setting their brightness. Here's how it looks with the light sources improved:

Now with extra darkness suiting a nearly blacked-out facility. Above, you can see the extra glow around the player, as well as around the screens.

Next, I began work on adding Parallax to the background aesthetics. Parallax is the visual effect of a distant stationary object moving slower than a stationary object closer to the viewer. This is particularly hard to show off in a picture, but it should hopefully become apparent when playing for yourself. This should give even more of a depth-of-field effect to the surroundings, and once more making the space feel more like a 3-dimensional area from a 2-dimensional point of view.

Lastly, for the Beta Testers (xAudienceofone, Tomtris), the first step to testing the game is to access the game on This site allows flash developers the ability to add beta testers, collaborators and contributors to a private Project Manager in the site. It'll be decked out with everything you need to start Beta Testing. In the meantime between now and the Beta's release, you'll need to create an account on the site so that I can grant your usernames access to the game. Once again, if anyone else is interested in becoming Beta Testers (possibly Z3R0FLAME, Dax, Bad Company 173, Jesus in Malibu, SOLIDSNAKEee and H2AK0N), just post your Newgrounds username below and I'll get you access to the project manager in time for the game's beta release. Any help at all is greatly appreciated, and you'll do wonders for making the game as best as it can be. Much of the game is based around the balance of the following factors, that it's often difficult to get outside opinions.
  • Bullet Damage
  • Bullet shot cost
  • Bullet Backblast
  • Player speed
  • Battery Drain
  • Phase Mode Drain
  • Turret Shot Frequency
  • Bullet Speed
That's it for today! Thanks for reading :)


Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
So i just got on and played a bit. The tutorial works well, but I would suggest that it should be longer. I hardly get to try shooting and passing before level 1 comes up. You should also allow more opportunity to let the player discover that turrets can kill each other, but I felt really accomplished discovering that for myself, so the most you should tell me is a vague reference. I also accidentally escaped in level 1 through the black border of an area. I think it was somewhere around the roof of the left reservoir. It did feel good controlling the module though, I liked the controls. So in short:

  • Longer tutorial, or several tutorial levels (see Thomas Was Alone, which you can dl a trial of the first section)
  • look into escapeable borders.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, the border glitch is something I've hopefully fixed in the more recent version. Honestly, I didn't expect you to start critiquing so early. I'll let you know when things are as they should be.