Competitive Castblock

JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
Castblock (version 1.0) - A tiny map that has been tested once with a broken controller and honestly needs improvements

Castblock is a map I made when procrastinating on revision. Due to timezones and laziness (probably 95% due to the former and 5% due to the latter) I haven't been able to test this map yet, so it's safe to say it's crap. Still, posting it probably would get it a better chance of being tested.

Castblock is a small, symmetrical map that is made for at most 5v5. Almost certainly 5v5 wouldn't work, but because I have no idea WHAT works I simply put 5 spawns on each side and say its a 5v5....

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Jan 20, 2013
At least you notice the flaws with the map. That's a first step towards recovery, which many don't realize for a while. Your playspace is flat, open, disconnected, and lacks proper height variation. What I believe you do have is an idea, which you can use as a basis for rebuilding the map. On each short side there's a Sanctuary-esque base. The long sides have catwalks (which I'll touch on in a bit). In the center is a incline down and incline up, common of many Competitive maps. After that you have a bunch of lazy cover to fill in the space. Also to note are the variety of indirect connections around the map. What can you salvage out of those five ideas? The Sanctuary bases and the central bridge/dip are good concepts. While the catwalks offer another vantage point they are repetitive, dull, and uninterrupted. Lazy cover is never the answer, always use dynamic cover where possible. Indirect connections, as a rule of thumb, must always have a direct connection as a backup. As one person said, "make your map wheelchair accessible". Players should be able to move around the entire map without being obligated to jump/take a lift or teleporter.

If you want to reforge this, here's what I'd do. Delete everything on the map. Get out a pencil and paper. Don't draw the exterior of the map, but instead go from the center out. Draw the bridge feature in, then the bases. I would consider experimenting with the orientation of the bridge(s) to be either parallel or perpendicular to the bases. After that, you're on your own. Remember that on paper you are not necessarily restricted to height patterns, so make things as tall as you need them to be. Upon going into Forge, again start from the center and work your way out. Use smaller pieces than 5x5s and Colosseum Walls.