Introduction Cartographer Looking For Partners


May 13, 2015
I've tried the art of Forge several times in the past, but I always run into the same problems, such as "There's not enough pieces, I can't do that", and the infamous "I'll just make another arena map for the nth time", or my personal favorite "The geometry is AMAZING! Now, about those spawns, vehicles, weapons, special effects and what not...".

The latter is my Kryptonite. I simply does not into spawns. And weapon selection: I tend to choose weapons based on their function and accessibility and from there, I can pinpoint locations, but by the time you choose the spawn and weapons, you'll realize something that literally doesn't look as good as it did on paper, and you'll go change it, and then that will mess up everything else, and meanwhile, everything else will have the same problem, so it's like A CYCLE OF SPONTANEOUS ANEURYSMS ONE AFTER ANOTHER!!

Is there actual people who are willing to put up with mental explosions as such? I understand that game designers have to do this everyday, but come on, they get paid! Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder; I'm not a miracle worker.

For a backlog of maps that I have made, your best bet is Halo 4 on the Xbox 360; you'll only find one or two maps at the most... or twenty. My gamertag is DeathRhinoAC130 btw.

I feel indifferent about lobbying and 'custom game nights'. On one hand, I understand that maps have to get tested and showcased, but on the other, I was in a gaming community back on Xbox 360, and Forge was completely oblivious to them.

TLDR- Gamertag is DeathRhinoAC130, looking for fellow forgers with experience in spawning.


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
There are lots of talented forgers on this site who are very dedicated to developing design theory and applying it to maps in order to make them the best they can be. We love getting together to play the maps too! Get to know your way around the site and some of the people here and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.


Jan 10, 2013
Holy Cow that's a long intro lol. Anyways, welcome to HC :). Like Duck said, there's a bit of professional Forgers here, including himself. It's a good idea to go around and take tips and advice from them :D.

Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
It's always great to see someone interested in map design joining the site. Making maps is one heck of a learning process and a fun one too. When I host lobbies it is probably to test new and most likely broken maps but then I find broken maps are far more exciting to work with than finished maps. If you want to meet a bunch of Forgers, all with very different styles and ideas, then you are more than welcome to add me and join one of my lobbies sometime. My gamer tag is Sgt x Slaphead.

I am always willing to put up with mental explosions by the way. It's the only way you can create something.
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