Halo Bulltrue Brutes

Are you going to Tryout?

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Jan 10, 2013
Hello guys, my name is Cody and I am here with an introduction to a clan.
Yes CLAN, not a frickin team.
Anyway, this is my 5th attempt trying to type this because the servers for Halo Customs would keep shutting down so I can’t finish what I want to say!
So back to the clan, INH the Gamer (aka Sgt Bubbl35) and I talked about a clan we want to start because we thought it would be fun to start something like this so we get to know the community of competitive Halo players. We are calling the clan, Bulltrue Brutes or BB for short.
So what is BB? Bulltrue Brutes is a clan for all competitive and MLG Halo players in the THFE community. Our goal for this clan is to have a good set of MLG and competitive players and be beasting out on War Games and make a strong team. We are looking forward to people who play competitive 4v4 Infinity Slayer or MLG Doubles. So if you think you are up for it, keep on reading soldier!

So now that you know what BB is, how do you join?
1.Go to the bottom of this thread and find the link to the Tryouts!
2.RSVP for the tryouts and leave a comment why you want to join and what for
3. At the day of the Tryouts, you must attend on time or early or we will start without you.

4.4.Participate in the tryouts.

5.5.Wait for a message indicating whether or not you made the team.

So, if made the team, congratulations you are a member of the BB Clan. I am usually a nice and low tempered person. However, you must abide by these rules or else you might say bye-bye to the whole clan .
-You must have a mic for communication purposes.
-You must be 13 or older (No squealers!)
-Respect other members of the clan so don’t put down other people or be raciest towards others.
-You must be on time for clan meetings.
-And have fun and don’t bum out.
There are other unsaid rules but you will be given three chances to follow these rules otherwise, you might end up off the team.
Please don’t leave a shitty comment below because this is just a thread to introduce a new clan.
We have no forced colours or emblems but that is not official.
Here is the link to the Tryouts.
This is Cody and I’m outta here!
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Jan 16, 2013

Liaise with

I on the other hand have friends (what are those?) that play halo 4, some most of which I have made on this site whom I casually play games with from time to time in this game and others.

also the Customs portion of this site kind of renders the clan ideology pointless.

Just Saying, Bro


Feb 1, 2013
I on the other hand have friends (what are those?) that play halo 4, some most of which I have made on this site whom I casually play the game with from time to time in this game and others.

You know it!
Action sack ALL DAY!
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