Introduction Believe me, I'm not a squeaker (Halo Life Story)


Dec 28, 2014
So, yeah... by the title your probably going to think...

"Oh here we go again, another young teen who thinks he's good at halo and just swears and screams on Xbox Live."

But please, don't. I'm not actually like that. I know that might seem the case for a small portion of the halo community and a very large part of the Call of Duty community (shots fired) but I'm not actually like that.

In case you have no idea what I'm rambling on about, then I will spill the beans for you.

My name is Callum, I'm from the United Kingdom and I am 14 years old.

Yes, you can close the thread now if you don't agree with my age. That's 100% fine because that's your opinion. But the fact is that I've been brought up into Halo.

I remember playing Halo CE on my Dad's XBOX when we first bought it. Of course, I wasn't playing it in 2001 when it was released as I would of been too young to even hold the controller but I did play it later on when both Halo 2 and Halo CE had been released. When I first played that game, I knew it was golden. It's hard to remember what it was like playing it at that age but I remember it being very enjoyable. It from then on, I became to love Halo.

I don't really remember playing Halo 2 as I'm not sure if I played it at all back in the day which is a shame to be fair as I would of loved too as Halo 2 was said to be a hell of an experience. A year after Halo 2 came out, I remember that the Xbox 360 was released and my Dad bought it for us when it just hit stores in the UK. We set up the Xbox 360 into our Box-like TV and played Call of Duty 2 as it was the first game to come out on it and god was it good. From their I started to be fond of FPS and gaming as a whole. It was also lucky for me to of got the Xbox 360 when I did as loads of Xbox Live names had not been registered yet so I was able to get the Gamertag: timelords

After a few years playing Call of Duty on the 360, Halo 3 was released. I got that game the following Christmas and absolutely loved it. The campaign was fresh and so was the multiplayer. Last time I checked, the rank I had achieved on that game was Captain Grade 2 or something like that. I also got Halo 3: ODST later on which I thought was very well done and joy to play. Something else to note is that I loved forge and custom games on Halo 3 and was able to make simple and some alright maps at my age. Most of them would look like trash to me but I think one of them was ok. I think it was a custom Crow's Nest I made in 2009 but that was the best I could do back then.

Few years after, Halo Reach came out on the 360 and that was probably one of the best Halo's IMO. I played the campaign several times and enjoyed it tons. The forge was outstanding and was great when you had a lobby full of people you had met online and had invited them back on Custom Games and we all played mini-games or infection. It was absolutely brilliant and so was the Multiplayer. The armor customization was basically the Cherry on top of the cake to be honest. (Or something other than a Cherry - I don't really like cherries. Sorry.) Making your spartan how you wanted it to be was something I found so awesome and extravagant that it made Reach one of the best Halo experiences to this day. The rank I achieved for that game was brigadier but I only achieved that not so long ago.

Halo CE Anniversary was a game I also got in a later christmas and it was a great game to play but the campaign didn't seem to be as gripping as it was in the original XBOX so it wasn't a game a came back to much.

I did also get Halo 4 another year but stopped playing the game after two campaign missions. It was just something about that game that made it feel some much different to the other games. I don't know what 343 did but it made me dislike the game and never played it again. Hadn't even touched the multiplayer on that game either. (Maybe it was just the armor style, I'm picky like that.)

Now this Christmas, I received the Halo Master Chief Collection for my Xbox One (got that as well) and have been playing it for most of this week. If I had to be brutally honest, I was disappointed. I mean, the multiplayer seems way to rationally for me as you should be able to pick your game types instead of been thrown into a very long CTF lobby that you don't want to be in. Plus there is no infection/flood lobbies to enter through normal game finding. Apart from that, campaign seems to be almost flawless but the achievements seem to still be broken which is a shame. Halo 2 anniversary was also a joy to play.

Now, after all of that I cannot believe I played Halo for so long without ever visiting this site or sites like it. It just seems to be a great way for playing Custom Games which is my most favored part of the games. I hope that I can get the hang of this site and get to play some epic custom games with you guys and gals.


Oh. Wait, I didn't tell you my favorite colour...

Its Blue.


Feb 8, 2013
Hey Timelords! Welcome to the site.

The activity is kind of down right now because of the broken MCC and a non existing file browser (which is important to forgers and custom game players). But don't get upset, times hopefully are going to change...
You didn't play Halo 4? I didn't play the multiplayer either, but Halo 4 was a golden era for forgers and custom players. If you check out the map section on this site you'll see so many creative and well done maps/gametypes that you could only make in Halo 4. It might have been even better than Reach's customs. This was also the time this site was founded.

Great to have another Halo fan here! I like how you were honest with yourself and actually told a bit of a story instead of just saying "Hi, I like custom games". :y:

See you.

P.S. If you tell us your age in this thread, why did you make your profile an 18 years old? :p


Dec 28, 2014
Thanks for the reply Buddy!

I have seen that MCC has been a little empty lately and a File Browser has been absent from the game (which I know is vital for us Forgers). I too hope that they fix this soon.

Yes, it is true that I have not played Halo 4 Multiplayer. Don't know why I have not gone back to it but I probably should go back to it just for the forge. And yes, I did check out the maps section of the site and have seen some amazing maps on there.

Thank you for complimenting my story by the way. It means a lot and hope it gives people an idea on who I am.

Also, I put my profile to the age of 18 years old because I was unsure if the site would throw me out if I had an age under 18. So you could say I was just being precocious :awesome:

So have a happy new year my friend! :titmar: