Introduction BANG!!! Hi, I'm new to the community!


Mar 18, 2013
I joined a few days back and never got around to making this thread. I'm getting around to it now! :D

Usually I'm not very good at this kind of thing so I'll just throw some things out there. It is probably best to ignore my roundabout introductions.

My (current) Gamertag is: Assassin Lupus.
My name is Ben, but I also go by Benji or Macky.

I love customs games and the great variety of fun it provides! Although I generally hold all different game-types equally, I'm rather fond of: Zombies, Racing, and (jump) Puzzles!

Oh I also love maps that allow assassinations! :poke:

I love using forge, although I haven't used it very often in Halo 4. My current forge goal for when I get around to doing it is: To create a fast paced Sword Tournament that still involves people post-mortem.

I think I'm a level 56 Pathfinder.
My favorite color is either Blue or Grey.

- BenjiDaBullet

Also! If anyone has any questions about me feel free to ask! :D!!! :D!!!
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