[Aug 3, 2013] Apocalyptic Killionaire! (GrmnEscaltrPrty)

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Well to have fun one must do the following, A. Play Halo, B. Play with people, and C. Play custom games because thats where some fun stuff is! So why dont you come to the front lines and kill more of the enemy? WARNING: YOU MAY DIE! (Well not literally but you might...) So come and join me for a some awesome explosions, kills, and well AWESOME APOCALYPTIC STUFF!! Now that you've heard the amazing fun exhilarating stuff, here's what we we will be doing:

Mini games
(Maybe Clue if we have enough people)
Some grifball (except without the ball and low grav!)
Etc. (does that count?) <yes it does>

Rules! These are important to follow. I will let you know in the rules which are optional and which are not:

1. You may scream, just not a lot, (Ex. Do not scream every 3 seconds)
2. Be in game chat and please have a mic, this is optional but it is preferred
3. Dont be AFK for longer than 4.999999 minutes, yes im going to count, (JK)
4. Please do not be rude.
5. Have fun! This is optional... Really? How is having fun optional....

Well are you taking my offer and going to the front lines soldier? The choice is yours. And as every Jedi has said but never takes this advice. " May the Force Be With You."
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