Gaming Adelyss' Single Player Java RPG (WIP)


Mar 4, 2013
Just thought I'd share some more progression on the Single Player Java RPG game I've been working on with my brother.

I'm currently going to college for Computer Information Systems but during my first year and a half at college I've been taking some C++ and Java courses and upon completing my last semester of Java I thought I'd put my knowledge to the test and see what I could do with it.

Roughly 130-145 hours have been put into this game engine/game so far. (I lost count after about 100 hours.)

(All graphics are going to be done by us with no external ripping of direct images off of other RPG games).

Here are images of our progress of what I have been able to code and my brother/me been able to create graphics wise.

*GAME AS OF 3-17-13*


*GAME AS OF 3-1-13*
Java RPG Game - Update 3 - YouTube
video ---^


*GAME AS OF 2-21-13*
(Icons in the menu are trash, I plan on redoing them soon)
(Also I noticed I misspelled Sound Effects wrong in the settings menu and have corrected the mistake)


Java RPG Game - Update 3 - YouTube

*GAME AS OF 1-16-13*

*GAME AS OF 1-5-2013*

*List of things implemented in the game*

***Working Player Stats Menu
***Tile by Tile Movement
***Some Collisions!

***Working Experience bar!
***Working Soul Abiliities!
***Fixed bug with movement!
***Leveling System (Experience required to level up) implemented.

***GUI is getting really close to being done.
***Loading menu before the main menu starts has been completed
***Soul Abilities menu is about 85% done, just need to add in a few more checks and balances and redo icons
***Inventory menu background is done, not functional at all
***Game Log completed, records actions the play does and displays it in the log
***Game settings completed, allows users to turn of different sounds/music
***Removed the Energy bar and replaced with a player level indicator
***Other minor tweaks and changes to improve some things.

* * *GUI is about 75% done, just have to finish up some minor graphics and add the title to the * * *main menu page.
* * *Some in game graphics were redone and we added in a few new graphics.
* * *Basic load/save feature working...saves players color choice and location on map.
* * *New account creation working allows you to specify a account name and the color of your character
* * *Account deletion works, must confirm deletion before it deletes.

*Out of game GUI is about 60% done, I still need to go back and update stuff/improve/add more images.
*Collisions work for the main character (No more walking off the map/through enemies)
*Enemies now walk around in random directions on the map. Stopping every once and awhile
*VERY Early workings of warping to a different map (I only have two test maps created)
*Main character's health, energy, and "souls" are displayed on the in game GUI.
*Main Menu GUI's buttons when hovered over them make a select noise and brighten a little.
*Main Menu background music is working.
*More tileset work done, (Charred grass)

*A GUI main menu that allows access to the game
*A single loadable map so far.
*A 5 frame animated main character that is able to move w a s or d. (Movement is northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast instead of north east south west, to give it that 2.5D feel.
*I am able to load 5 frame animated enemies (Graphics for certain enemies are not done yet.
*Able to walk behind trees/other tall structures and appear to be behind them.
*Collision detection is being working on... (Explains the red boxes around the enemies and people

So yeah this is the 3.5 update to the game me and and my brother have created so far. Progress is slow during college but I'm shooting for mid summer alpha play testing maybe...we'll see.. and if I'm really lucky, end of summer game compeletion
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Mar 4, 2013

New Game Update.

Introduced, Working player stats menu, Tile by TIle movement now instead of what I had before, I also got some collisions to work due to the switching to tile by tile movement.

Comment your thoughts


Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
Looks great dude. I've been wanting to make a game in Java recently but just haven't had the time. Maybe this summer I'll try to start something
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Mar 4, 2013
Give it a shot, there are a ton of tutorials on youtube for java game development to get you started... Once you understand the basics you can kind of just take over if you're fluent in Java