Introduction Adding People


Nov 13, 2014
Texas, US
I know a lot of us here probably can't completely schedule when we are on but play only when we have the opportunity. With that being said I created this forum so that everyone can put a gamertag so we can all add one another as friends over Xbox live. This will make sure that we can just invite people whenever we have a custom game instead of only just RSVP-ing over this website.

I just ask that you post your gamertag below and if you add me I will add you as well.

Again, this is to help ensure that even those of us without set gaming schedules still have friends we can play Halo the MCC with and even Halo 5 Guardians (When it comes out) with. Also any rude or inappropriate users who send spam or other material that is unwanted/unwarranted will be noted.

I know I am new to this website, and I don't know how this all works yet but your cooperation would be appreciated. Thank you.