Introduction A7 In the HOUSE


Jan 21, 2013
Hello fellow gamers!

It's A73L3VEN from the forums & GT: Want Some T on XBL.

I'm so happy that this site has come around so we can work out custom games in Halo!
Currently with all the changes that need to be made in Halo 4 this is the only thing that is keeping my sanity. Customs are where you learn each others play styles and what people are really like.
Send me an invite sometime and we can play!

Remember... please post a message with your friend request saying where you got my GT from if you anticipate sending one to me on XBL. I get around 5 or so FR per day and must know where yours is from else I don't add just random people.

I'm very competitive in the halo scene but also humble. As with anything in life.. this is just a game and their will always be someone else better than you. Let's find out how good you are!!

Looking forward to playing with cool people like YOU!

As for me and what else I like to do when not online...
DJing is my first love and will always be part of my inner fiber!



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Reactions: Dax


Jan 12, 2013
Hey A73L3VEN! I'm Dax. This is a really nice into, btw :D
Glad you're so pumped about this site! Always good to hear. Hope to see you around.


Jan 21, 2013
Thanx Dax!

Been away from the forums for a few years now with getting married / kids.. you know life.
Glad to be getting back into the swing of things and posting again.

Guess some of the past experience is showing already! :titmar:

Let me know what else I can do to be a friend to you.


Jan 12, 2013
Let me know what else I can do to be a friend to you.

Actually, there is something you can help me with. :D So I've noticed that you're a DJ. I've been dabbling in electronic music on and off for the past 6 months or so, using MIDI keyboards with FL Studio etc but nothing really serious. However I've really been wanting to get more into it lately. Not so much DJing but rather just creating music on my own time. Have you used (or heard of) the Novation launchpad with Ableton Live software? I'm thinking about getting it but I'm still a little hesitant seeing as it's a little on the pricy side and I've never used a legit launchpad.


Jan 21, 2013
Yeah I have used Ableton Live for years and would say that it's best for a general $$$ budget.

As for the Launchpad...

I like mixing with something that has a little more options. With that pad I just feel held back. Tried it for about a week with my regular setup and just couldn't get into the groove. It could work well for you though if you say that your not going to be doing live performances with it. I'm the opposite.. Live performances is just what I enjoy so that's why I feel like it didn't work for me.

If you would like to try something more like what I'm use to using you can try some of the boards on the
Akai site here ---->> <<----

The Akai APC40 is closest to what I am using here below. Mine is about 5 years old so they no longer have it available but you could try any of those and it would be similar to what I have.
Best thing about the Akai equipment is that it's not all the expensive. I paid about $450 for my board back when but now you can get the cutting edge stuff for about $200-$300.00.

Either way your still using the Ableton software and it will rock your face off.
