9/11 Experiences

I put this under 'Halo Discussion' because more people look at it than not.

My tribute to all those that were lost is stated here:
GrmnEscaltrPrty said:
To those who were lost we will never forget you.
To those grieving every day and every year on this same day, our hearts go out to you.
To those who do not know of the pain and suffering they went through, sympathy is key.
To those who hijacked the plane and killed innocent civilians, we are glad you died in a blazing inferno of fire and jet fuel.
To Americans all over the country, do not forget a day that changed so many of us, who we were and influenced us today.
To remember a tragedy, half raised flags.
To move one entirely would be a small mistake, it is a part of our nations history.
To say it was 'just an explosion' would be a HUGE understatement and would be lack of sympathy for those who died.
To say America isnt stronger and safer today, is wrong.
To give up your right to be who you are because of this event, is wrong.

We honor you America and we sympathize others because of their loss. No soul should forget this day as it marked a day where death was in abundance and two iconic buildings toppled over because of terrorists. Live on and live strong.

I create this forum because it needs to open the eyes of some to the tragedy that place, and to make that happen (if you're comfortable with it) share your story about the events that took place that day. Where were you, what happened,what did you do, etc. *PLEASE DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR STORY AS IT IS AN EVENT THAT WAS TRAGIC AND DEPRESSING TO SEE*