introduce myself

  1. F

    Hello I have just joined

    Hello my name Foxdragon and I have just joined this community. I have been an avid halo fan since halo first came out on the original xbox. hope to get to you all and play with you. My xbox gamertag is Kitsunedragon96 if you want to add me
  2. Bananakingcold

    Introduction Halo is on pc again. My life is on fire.

    Hello I'm Bananaking. I played halo ce on pc way back in the mid 2000s and now finally im going to relive those memories. Well, I will when the sever browser is in that is. For now this site will be mighty useful. My gamertag is Bananakingcold. Hope I see you round.
  3. ZeroGravity284

    Introduction Introducing myself

    Hi im peyton!
  4. S

    Introduction slanedoggy

    hi i am slanedoggy i love halo