SvC SvC Recap #7


In life, we live many wars... Pizza or Ice Cream, DMR or BR, Psychoduck or pancakes, and of course...​

Oranges vs Blueberries
So who won the battle in this ongoing war of Fruit Dominance?
Brace yourselves, you are going to read at a 3rd grade level!​
So we started off playing the amazing Plinko (In... SPAAAACE). For those who have been living under a sea stack, Plinko is played with two teams. One team drives their mongoose down, hitting different shields and trying to get in the scoring zone, while the other team has railguns, trying to snippity snipe the drivers! But community, try as they might, could not handle the amazing pew pew skills of one Flying Shoe ILR, and Staff had won the first game.​
Staff (and Tomtris): 97 Points​
Community: 86 Points​
Staff: 1​
Community: 0​
The community, loving a fight, tried their hand on a place called Helios. Turns out, our cute little Dax was a color guard! It also turn out that the rest of staff are evil evil murders that don't play very nice, and love stealing and holding flags. The Staff's flag holding abilities simply could not be matched, and the community was denied again.​
Staff: 3 Captures​
Community: 0 Captures​
Staff: 2​
Community: 0​
After we pledged allegiance to some flags, and community got decimated on the ground, we tried our hand at getting revenge up in SPAAAACE. But... Duck got his Warthog action on, and the community's hopes had been splattered.​
Staff: 1,000 Points​
Community: 730 Points​
Staff: 3​
Community: 0​
(Staff have clutched the game)
Storm the Beaches on Omaha
By Zartherla and Hushed Behemoth
So after we got splattered around on the moon, we came back to earth in 1941! Now, always accepting a fight, we took turn storming "Omaha Beach," a game wherein one team carries a flag to the end of the beach, whilst the other team is sniping with Assault Rifles and Turrets. Luckily, neither of us got sandy, with none of us storming a beach, and forcing a tie.​
Staff: 0 Captures​
Community: 0 Captures​
Staff: 3​
Community: 0​
Ties: 1​
So after getting sniped in Plinko, getting crushed on the ground and in space, and getting sandy on the beach, we all decided to just fuggedaboudit, and take one last swing at staff. Turns out, their flag holding abilities did not diminish, and we ended up and the bottom again, by the Staff's evil evil hands!​
Staff: 5 Captures​
Community: 1 Capture​
Staff: 4​
Community: 0​
Ties: 1​
But If you don't get why the staff always win, maybe this will give you some Idea.​

The staff has Dax​
The staff has Dux​
Dax and Dux are on the Attax​
Cause they don't give any fux.​
The staff has Shoe​
The staff has Torre​
Now Shoe has the power of two​
But Vincent has swag of four.​
The staff has Fuzzle​
The staff has Mock​
Beating Fuzzle will be a puzzle​
But only girls beat Mock's big... rock.​
The community has hope​
The community has dreams​
But when staff says "Nope"​
Our dreams become smithereens.​
If you want your map included in the SvC, send it here:
And last but not least...​
Sincerely, The Community.​

I love my vertical eye helmet. :D

It was fun playing these games. The hour of waiting to get enough staff on wasn't so much fun, but I don't regret it thanks to getting to play Halo like I rarely do. Great games guys. As badly as we did beat you at times, there were a few times that we thought you would push us to the losing side. Especially on the first map. I had no idea what I was doing the first round.

I must say, too, it's nice to see a community member's perspective. I feel like these can get repetitive with constant staff wins and then us telling you about them.
Well then.... We got destroyed so bad that only 1 person on our team would come out with a positive K/D at the end. And that's only on the competetive matches. :laugh: Oh yeah, and we actually had the lead on the space map for about 10 second :).
Cause MockKnizzle fell asleep for his own session, and the rest of the mods were too lazy. xD

I only knew about it when I got a message from Psychoduck telling me to help him poop on the community's collective face.

Great games, guys. Though I feel the poet missed out that "Tedium is beating 'em."

I'm always beating em.
We suggested that the community perspective would be a good one for a recap. The only staff member who was lazy or asleep was Mock. The rest of us all tend to be pretty busy though.
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By the way Tomtris, those are Tangerines, not Oranges. Just sayin; there is a big difference.

When is the next SvC game and how can I sign up?