Shadow KryPTiiC's forge portfolio

Feb 25, 2013
Hey Guys. I'm Shadow KryPTiiC. You might've seen me on this site or met me in a custom game. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a forger, specifically, flood/infection, though I take a dabble at minigames occasionally. Anyways, I'm creating this thread to bring you guys my forge history and show you how well I have improved.

Halo Reach

This is where I began my "career" as a forger. Halo Reach is the game in which I began my forge history. Though, in this time I was not fully familiar with forging techniques such as fine editing and I didn't discover edit coordinates for a while. I still seemed to pump out maps. I started out with nonsense minigames that me and my friends would play, nothing too serious. But then I discovered the Living Dead playlist. This was seriously like my epiphany guys. I loved this gamemode so much I decided to start forging it. For the last year halo reach was popular, I got together BIG custom games and played through all my maps. Sadly, I only made one map that I am still truly proud of. And it never got tested

Halo 4

After Halo Reach, I had joined a forging clan known as MK25. You might've heard of it? (though, for the time being, I am no longer associated with this group) Anyways, the reason I joined it was so I could make myself known and be a bigger part of the forging community. People seem to absolutely hate this game. But coming from a crappy start in halo reach, I loved this game, and I still don't think it's that bad. (please no hate comments from that statement) This game truly brought to life my forging skill. Though I started hundreds of maps, most of them failed due to dynamic lighting, budget issues, or god awful gameplay.


This was one of my first maps, in halo 4 that I could find, as you can tell, I started off halo 4 pretty rough too :/ . I promise you I didn't suck this bad in Reach.


The Journey Map Series
After many failed attempts at a successful linear map, I took one last stab at it, with the help of a friend, HornetAssassin5. Now these maps don't look like much, but at the time, these maps were the best I had, and they taught me a lot about forging. They also got me closer to the forge community. This 4 part series were my pride and joy by the time they were released.​
Welcome to the Wasteland
After my success as a linear forger, I wanted to try a free roam flood map. Then Iflod101 had a free roam contest for the gametype known as Salvation. This contest inspired me. Free Roam was all I forged back in reach but I quickly learned that I was very rusty and in no way was I having luck working with the terrain. Then I played Fallout 3 to get some ideas and I soon learned that the terrain of Erosion is quite similar to the torn up canvas of fallout 3. So I looked up some buildings on fallout and recreated them in forge. Now I'm not to fond of this map due to it's poor gameplay, but it taught me a lot about level design.

Highway "69"
EPIC SH00TER had been one of my favorite forgers in reach. He made a map known as zombie highway. This was one of my FAVORITE maps. Since I hadn't really created anything in Forge island yet, I decided to recreate the map in my own way. Nothing special.


Home on a Bayou
Ahhhhh yes. Home on a Bayou. This map is one of my favorite maps. The gameplay, in my opinion, is very good, and the aesthetics and layout is quite decent. It was also one of the first maps built in the big island. Plus, this map landed me my FIRST FEATURE EVER!!!!! Trust me, I was way excited. (My friend Spiderman misspelled it as Home on a Boyou)

Strikes and Spares
Strikes and Spares was my third free roam map in halo 4. Though I really enjoyed the aesthetics and the gameplay wasn't too bad. I didn't enjoy this map too much. But I did pull off a unique theme that I don't think anyone had ever made.

Demon Within
After using my own personal gametype, No Safe Place for my previous two free roam maps, I wanted to try something new. Then I discovered Phaegin by Pol Wah. I was inspired to make this map.
It was okay. Nothing too special. Here's a feature in it's early phases on a smaller channel.

One day my friend, Auxi Klutch came to me and told me that the cartographers were taking maps flood maps INTO matchmaking and he wanted me to help him. I was like HELLZ YEAH I DO!!! Every forger wants to get his map into matchmaking. We were later joined by our friend DUN3Z who contributed to the map too. As most of you know it is currently in the flood playlist with the Hivemind gametype.


Highway to Hell
After my long history of flood forging and nothing else, I wanted to try something new. Then the gametype clue came to my attention. To help me with my new goal I recruited my friend Fiesty Fedora to help me out. This map sparked me to make a few more clue maps, but this one was my most favorite.


Coal Dust
Coal Dust, I will tell you this map is my ******* **** *****. Just kidding, but really, if you've played this map, you know it's one of my best looking and best playing maps, and I couldn't have done it without my coforging buddy and friend, A Wild Minotaur. Now I have two features because Robius shows the color the map actually looks, but he doesn't feature the finished version.

Transvestite Fistfight
One day my bro The 0micron came to me and asked if I wanted to coforge with him. Since I was an 0micron fanboy in halo reach I once again was like HELLZ YEAH!!!! Your probably like "Wow does this guy only coforge?" and the answer is "NO" I have tried to forge a LOT of maps but they fail due to budget/lighting problems so HAH. Anyways this map is probably the most fun map ever! And we made it in a DAY.

Last Stand: City Heights
This is definitely my best map in halo 4. Though I had a lot more plans for this map, I couldn't create them since I didn't have enough budget. But it did land me my first big feature. On Mister Pokephile's channel. :p

Volcano #69696969669696987238574985

After not creating anything for a while, me and my friend A Wild Minotaur combined to create the worst map ever seen in halo 4. Now you can ask a lot of forgers if they've played this map and if they have they'll agree, it's terrible. It included 16 incineration cannons that spawned every second, a banshee, 4 wraiths, 4 scorpions, 4 manti, and the flood had thrusters. It's playspace was the medium and small island. It saddens me to say that this is my only map that ever got into MOST DOWNLOADED and it got over a thousand downloads. Just goes to show how stupid some people are.


Originally created for the Hivemind contest, though it could not be finished in time, Aftershock was set around an abandoned highway. In my opinion it is one of my better maps. But people don't seem to like it because of it's blandness or the BUSH THAT STICKS THROUGH A WALL (Mankill258). But the gameplay is quite nice. I couldn't have finished the map without the help of SammichEaterPro.


All is Calm
As of right is will be my last map in halo 4 :(. It will play with the Hivemind gametype and takes place in a research facility that consists of a 3 floor building, a research lab, and a pelican landing pad. I plan on making my career on halo 4 go out with a BANG. Here's a teaser screenshot! :p


SO! Do you think I've improved???​
Thank you so much to everyone who has pushed me or inspired me to make maps! I have met so many great people along the way. I hope to continue forging and improving my skills.

Special Thanks to some guys I met that I really befriended and helped me get better!​
The 0micron​
NARB GUY (or Professor Narb)​
A Wild Minotaur​
Auxi Klutch​
and many others....​
I hope to see all of you in the future.​
With love, or hate :heart:
Shadow KryPTiiC​

The 0micron

Jan 27, 2013
Haha very nice read Shadow ^_^, enjoyed it very much. (especially TVFF) It's amazing to see how quickly you picked up things! I'm honored to call you a friend and forger. I'm excited to see what stuff will come out of the next forge :y:. With Love :heart: (always), 0mi
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Jan 1, 2013
You've improved so quickly, and now you're throwing it all away :( *tear* Hope you change your mind about Halo 4 or make a return in H5. Good times buddy.


BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
Awesome portfolio! Really cool to see how good and well known you've gotten over the course of such a short time, and it's very well deserved. Shame you're done forging in Halo 4 though, you were one of the most persistent forgers out there that I know of, and a great provider of feedback to everyone in my BIOC lobbies. Maybe in Halo 5 we should make a map together! (Though I can't promise anything because there seems to be some sort of curse on me trying to coforge with people. But that's a long story :p) Either way, keep up the good stuff and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more sexy maps from you! :D
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