Data Lost [Feb 26, 2017] Squally's Sunday Skirmishes - Halo 5 (XONE)

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Squally DaBeanz

Big Jerk
Jan 9, 2013
Feedback for 2/12/17:

C9 Renovate by Brotastic Bear
This map has been playing pretty well the few times I've been on it. I think most of the changes needed at this point are small details, polish, and art (plus a name change). The most glaring geometry issue right now is how difficult it is to escape the pit area under the turret bridge. Players have to carefully set up a trick jump just to have a chance to get out, and even then it can fail. Combine this with the fact that there are heavily used spawns under there, and it becomes incredibly frustrating. The other thing that might be worth looking into is maybe experimenting with putting a lift in the room below the "tower" next to the turret, as this space is incredibly powerful during Slayer, and the only hard route up is an exposed staircase directly below it. I know there is the ledge trick, but that option isn't the most viable and very difficult to pull off in the middle of a fight.

During Strongholds, the map has a very clear favorable hold. Holding lower courtyard and outside is too easy, since both points are so close and can easily support each other. They are also easily covered by top mid, which has power over the pit stronghold and that entire side of the map, making it difficult for the team being spawn trapped there to push out and attack another point. I suggest making the strongholds themselves smaller, and maybe pushing the lower courtyard zone closer to the room under the "tower" on the other side of the map. A change to the pit area could also help make that stronghold more favorable. Some other small touches the map could still use are improvements to art, fine tuning the spawns, replacing the Spartan Laser, and increasing the respawn time of the turret.

Sentinel by N3gat1veZer0
There's not a whole lot I can say about this map, as both games were pretty imbalanced. The map played well enough, but it never felt unique or interesting. There was just a lot of running around until you found someone. This could be due to the lack of clearly defined power positions and controlled sightlines through the middle of the map, as well as lots of deep crevices for players to hide in. I know you've talked about possibly rebuilding the map with a new design and after playing it, I think that might be worth looking into.

Thelios by Unfound
I remember looking at this map earlier on and predicting how it would play. Unfortunately, those predictions mostly came true. The upper areas of the map were far more favorable than the lower ones, and combat became predictable and tedious in many areas. The entire "back" of the map (the long walk along the high side) turned into a linear battle of attrition, with both teams struggling to push through the area. The corner with the sniper became a highly sought after camping spot, as anyone approaching this area had to cross a wide open courtyard or subject themselves to a linear walkway with no cover. The courtyard below this area was completely avoided due to the lack of movement options out and how easy it is to get mowed down by anyone above.

During Strongholds, the roof became the main point of focus since it had complete control over the two zones closest to each other (the tower and the upper lane) and could also put pressure on the third zone. All of the strongholds are in odd locations. The tower is on the edge of the map where there is no combat, and no one has any reason to ever use this location outside of capturing a zone. As I mentioned, the upper lane is in a tedious location to fight in due to the linear nature of this space, and the pit stronghold has no strategic value. I suggest taking a closer look at how all of the areas of the map interact with each other, and which areas are more favorable and why.

Gypsum by OverlordRaven91
This map was incredibly confusing, both in terms of art and gameplay. Aside from the highest point overlooking the center, nowhere felt safe or even desirable. The top of the map gave players easy access to the best weapons and the overshield, so they had no reason to ever leave. It quickly devolved into both teams fighting over this one location simply because nowhere else mattered. The rest of the map was incredibly difficult to navigate due to the awkward sightlines, lack of focus points, and homogeneous art style. It felt like a maze. When every area of the map looks the same from all angles, it's incredibly hard to tell where anything else is in relation to you, or even memorize the layout.

Chasm by Sgt x Slaphead
This map felt a little too small and simplistic for 4V4 play. While enjoyable, there was never a moment to retreat and regroup. The teleporters in particular lead to a lot of unpredictable and trolly gameplay, and the lack of hard routes between the sides made traversal too fast and easy. The pit areas under each sides central bridge felt too much like a dead end despite the hallways out and the lifts up. If the lift were to be incorporated into the back wall and lead directly to the "nest" area above it, the space would feel more integrated with the rest of the map. As for flag, well.... the game was over in two minutes. It's simply too easy to move the flag with all the lifts and teleporters.
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Squally DaBeanz

Big Jerk
Jan 9, 2013
So obviously there was no lobby tonight because, well.... nobody signed up. Hopefully next week will be different. Spread the word, guys!
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