Casually Competitive Customs and Testing

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^This. Again

Hey guys, I haven't given up on running the CCCustoms, just been absolutely over-loaded with other stuff. I hope to get back to it soon. Wish me luck!
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G Funk 1651

Apr 2, 2013
Bizzle, have you tested your new invasion map yet? Does anyone have any maps they need to test?

Awesome I haven't been able to sneak in much play time lately. I have a map with a new competitive game type to play. I have tested it with small groups and its seems to be playing well. I think the ideal group would be 4v4 but a 6v6 could still be fun. The map is camp 14 and the game type is P.O.W. In the prisoner of war game type when one dies they re-spawn in prison. They cannot escape from within the prison but anyone outside the prison can break the door and let their teammates back into the game. The objective is to capture the entire other team. once the whole team is in prison the remaining team controls the hill and the round is over. It is a small map and radar is turned off. However, parishioners have enhanced radar and can help direct teammates to rescue them. I co- forged the map and game type with my brother who hopefully will be able to join us tonight as well.
G Funk, that kinda sounds like a mini-game, but also might be fun, I think we can make an exception tonight just for you, and if people like it who knows, maybe it'll get in the regular rotation ;) I've set aside moar time this week for testing, so you guys just be sure and remind me you have a map to test, even if you've already told me! (hosting is mad multi-tasking and puts my processors at max capacity, lol)

Oh, and I've updated six of the CCCustoms gametypes, so anybody who needs 'em just let me know. All are using personal loadouts with the new TU settings, so we can start testing that balance (except for games like Shield KotH, where the weapons given are like part of the gametype) but other than that should be damn near the exact same settings - - hopefully I didn't miss any! So be sure and give your input on how that's going so we can keep track and pass it on to Nondual when he gets back. The gametypes I've done so far that all have "TU CCC" at the beginning of the title to keep them separate from old Halo 4 weapon settings are:

Extraction 5 Site
Blitzkrieg 1Site
Blitzkrieg 2Sites
Gift Giver (this one is iffy because I changed it to Personal Loadouts for testing)
Shield KotH Rumble (this one I've kept the Game Loadouts instead of Personal)

Punx, good to see you finally get a video on your page!


May 2, 2013
I would love to have you guy do a slayer match on my Perseus Station but I am just too lazy to join a game these days. It is on my fileshare though if you decide to look at it. I haven't really tested it with a large group so I don't know how well it will work for you.
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Hello, Elliot :) we are in the process of trying to set up some regularly weekly or bi-weekly Friday night customs. Will post up here if they get going. However, if you get this message in time, Hadokenchild said he's going to try and get customs running tonight and tomorrow night (Monday and Tuesday, August 19 & 20)
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