The wait is over! Sit down, sit down, stay a while! When firepower deserts you, which small arms do you take to battle? Well here's everything you will ever need to know about each.

Now this is a subject very near and dear to my heart. I know it is for you too. Thanks to RecedingHairlineMan, we finally have a comprehensive result! Check it out:

For me it depends on the game type. Slayer on indoor maps the boltshot is way better than the other BTB the plasma pistol is good for maps with lots of vehicles. The magnum is the best in open maps with few vehicles.
I'd go with a magnum too. Reasons: The all purpose use of the magnum plus the fact that I'm already used to the weapon from previous Halo games.
The magnum is good for multiple situations. For example, when your out of ammo or at a close range and your primary isn't the best choice. Even thought the bolt shot is a 1 hit kill, thats ALL its good for where as the magnum is more versatile.
I play on two grounds and emphasize them as much as I can. Those two grounds are mobility and versatility. Infinite sprint + jetpack for mobility and DMR + Magnum for versatility. That is, for small-medium maps, of course.
Boltshot is the bomb. Use it with promethian vision to see them before they come around a corner, and its just sooooo good. I don't even use the Magnum anymore. I use the boltsot for smaller maps, and plasma pistol for larger maps with vehicles.
I mainly use the magnum but lately I have been trying out the boltshot, it can come in handy in those tight situations!
i primarily use the magnum, mostly because i loathe any person that kills me with a boltshot overcharge, and i don't want to be like them.

on the other end of the spectrum, if i'm playing a vehicle map, plasma pistol is essential. Using it outside of vehicle combat though, well, hah.
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Boltshot is the bomb. Use it with promethian vision to see them before they come around a corner, and its just sooooo good. I don't even use the Magnum anymore. I use the boltsot for smaller maps, and plasma pistol for larger maps with vehicles.

That's exactly what I hate people doing :laugh: Whenever someone used Prometheans vision, a radar-like circle expands around them on everyone else's radar, so it reveals your location. Plus, whenever I know someone's waiting with a Boltshot, I can never get them to come out and fight fairly. It's like, "I know you're just gonna kill me, so... I'm definitely not walking around this corner.

As for the boltshot's regular shot, it's actually the best weapon, close-medium range, for getting head shots :3
Boltshot can't kill w/o charged shot or reload/overheat...But, I find it as the best close range / emergency weapon, if I'm out of ammo on my main weapon, I don't want range, I want to kill someone fast and at close range so I can take their weapon. Also, people who hide around corners w/ a bolt shot aren't even as bad as people who do that with a swor or shotgun/scattershot. Those people ar abusing a power that only they have at that moment, plus they don't need to charge. But to fight the bolt shot users, just carry one of your own, or use a hard light shield, that will teach them, bounce the blast back at them.