Flood Alkaline City


Alkaline City (version 1.0) - A progressive linear flood map designed for 12-14 players.

Alkaline City
Map Built by: Orzium
- A linear progressive flood map designed on the Forge Island canvas -

View attachment 8449

Introduction -
Welcome halo custom users, today or night depending on where your located, I present my first linear progressive flood map on Halo 4 entitled 'Alkaline City'. Being both fast paced, aesthetically...

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-Orzium- updated Alkaline City with a new update entry:

Major Update: Ending Phase

-Major Update: Ending Phase-

- Soft-kills placed in areas needed.
- Some more Assault-Rifles and a Rail-gun have been added to phase 2.
- Major design changes implemented in the last phase, a hold out room has been implemented with a variety of weapons added as well.
- Zombies now spawn in a large create in the transitional room between phase 3 and the last phase.
- Safe zones have been added.

Map Link (1.1) -...

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-Orzium- updated Alkaline City with a new update entry:

Alkaline City 1.2

- Major design change to second phase.
- Teleporters have be positioned and moved around, in order to make them more accessible for the zombies.
- Refined weapon placement.
- More safe zones added.
- Delayed mine spawning for all phases except for the last hold out room.
- Third stage, zombie area, has been refined.

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