
H2A Weevil

I saw on our video that you were planning to revisit this design in H5, so I thought I'd give some feedback. I think this is a strong squad design; it executes on travel time balance and infantry-vehicle interaction well. I think that the weakest aspect of this map is its reliance on walls for segmentation. I think of walls as being a very two-dimensional way to segment a map as they serve a single purpose. Using multi-purpose, three-dimensional geometry to segment maps creates more interesting lines of sight and movement options. If you can push the map in that direction more and incorporate perhaps a bit more vertical overlap as well, I think this will be an excellent squad map in the future.
Thanks Duck.... I full understand. This current layout will be a great base design to re-iterate in H5. There is defiantly rooms for vertical overlap if forged correctly.
I really like this types of maps!