
H2A Extinction

Minimum Players
Maximum Players
Forge Canvas
Skyward (H2A)
Supported Race Gametypes
  1. Race
Extinction By: "SomethingLogic14 & Superior Forger"

You may be wondering how this map started...
Well, let me tell you. I had the idea to do 2 drift turns right over each other. I thought it would be cool to see your opponents at such close proximity. We each chose a side and started forging from the middle down to the ground. I struggled a little bit in some areas of the track and had the hardest time connecting the track after 5 attempts for the finish and finally handed it over to Logic. Once we had the 2 main turns finished we both had the idea of a dinosaur. My buddy did the aesthetic appeal of the entire dinosaur. I'm not sure exactly what kind it is, but it looks kind of like a dragon without wings. I did the volcanic aesthetic appeal to make the dinosaur look like it was stepping in lava. The track was actually almost a perfect split for forging. We both picked a side and started forging the rest of the track to connect it into a circuit. In spite of this track turning out so well, Logic was constantly begging to nuke the map along the way. But I said, you can't go wrong with a dinosaur.

Color Scheme:
This time I did not want to choose the color scheme, it's always such a hard decision for me, so logic chose green and sea green. We tried to match up both sides of track with the same corresponding colors.

What to expect?
3 Awkward drift turns
Banked waves
A dinosaur




Superior Forger
First release
Last update
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